
De-Stress 2023

May 2024


De-Stress is BACK to get you through this exams period!

Have a look at our What's On page for updating information about events! 



De-stress Top Tips


1. Make a plan -this could be making a revision  plan or  incorporating regular breaks into your schedule. If you feel  more organised this is going to immediately reduce stress levels.

2. Remember to take regular breaks and take time for you. It's not possible to spend your whole day productive and that is ok! Do not feel guilty for watching your favourite TV show, as that time is just as valuable.

3. Move your body - try a yoga session or have a go at pilates. Any movement you do will help you to de-stress.

4. Stay connected to your friends, family and loved ones. One way to combat stress is to share it with someone - it might just make all the difference.

5. Get creative and have time away from your screen - we have plenty of crafting activities for you.

6. Virtual study buddy - set yourself challenges with your friends and you can even work together on Zoom or Skype. Sometimes having someone to study with makes the process easier and you can share knowledge with one another.

7. Try not to be too hard on yourself (easier said than done!) but you are doing great things. Keep going, you've got this.


Looking after your wellbeing 

We have collected resources below to help support your wellbeing during this time period:


Emotional wellbeing resources

Please find more links to help support your emotional wellbeing, which we hope you will find helpful:


SU wellbeing resources

Panic Attack leaflet - This resource is now available electronically and you can download it here.

Self Care is More Than Face Masks - tips for taking care of yourself when you're feeling overwhelmed

There's More Than One Way to Study - a multiple choice study guide

University of Leicester Students' Union
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University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
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