The Common Room Gallery Project is a mini refurb project that aims to shake up the Common Room (the seating area by the Community Kitchen and O2 Academy) with student artwork from student groups and general students.
The Theme for this art project is 'My Uni Life' encouraging students to reflect on and capture the academic, social, personal and/or professional aspects of university life. This project is open to all University of Leicester students and students are more than welcome to collaborate and submit artwork as a group, so long as your group does not exceed 10 people.
To learn all about the project including the theme breakdown, key dates and submission guidelines please see the Project Handbook.
To submit your artwork - click here.
Prizes and Opportunities
Students that submit artwork will be automatically included in the lucky draw for our small mystery giveaway - the results of which will be announced once submissions close.
For general admission students, the selected winner(s) will receive a £100 multi-store One4all gift card, if submitting as a group this gift voucher will be split equally between you.
For student group submissions, the selected society will receive a £100 multi-store One4all gift card plus £100 in their society account.
Artwork Selection Process
To further highlight the student voice, all artwork submissions will be voted on by the student-body and then selected for display.
Voting begins on Monday 19th May at 9am and ends on Friday 30th May at 11:59pm.
To vote, students will need to thumbs up and thumbs down each artwork submission and the 2 highest scoring artworks will win and be displayed in the Common Room ready for Freshers 2025/26.
Students can vote on the Gallery Voting page, once voting is open in May.
For project queries, please contact the project coordinatior, Milan (she/her) -