Sustainability Hub

The Sustainability Hub is a central place for updates from the Union and beyond relating to climate action, going green and sustainability. You can find out how you can help make a difference via the 'get involved' button, check out what our student-led sustainability council is up to, or find related guidance using the buttons below:



So what is sustainability?

Student group Plan-it Change came together to create a sustainability 101 video during last years Go Green Week! 




The United Nations have developed 17 sustainable development goals in order to tackle a variety of global issues.

They cover social impact, economic impact and environmental impact to our communities and those around the globe, and we are now working on incorporating it into out plans at Leicester Students' Union.

The goals are as follows (you can click on the icons to find out more):


How are we incorporating the goals?

Student's Union Staff - We are currently working on creating an environmental action plan across all departments of the Students' Union. We will release more information soon including what goals each department is working on, what their aims and upcoming projects are as well as how you can track our impact!

Student Groups and Societies - Additionally, we have recently introduced a new initiative to get our student groups and societies on board. This will looks at involving our societies in fundraising, campaigning, community outreach and environmental impact through their chosen goals and a development coordinator within their group. More information on how are student groups are getting involved coming later this summer!


For more information on this you can check out the University of Leicester's page on the 17 goals, or get in touch with our environmental action coordinators &


University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101