Events in December

Thu 26th December

Psychometric testing
5pm - 6pm
Sir bob burgees 0.02
Key Features: • Free refreshments for attendees. • Free entry for all. This event emphasizes opportunities for developing key learning skills to advance in you

Thu 2nd January

Psychometric testing
5pm - 6pm
Sir bob burgees 0.02
Key Features: • Free refreshments for attendees. • Free entry for all. This event emphasizes opportunities for developing key learning skills to advance in you

Mon 6th January

Inflateable Destress
noon - 3pm
SU Square
Online Book Club
6pm - 7pm

Tue 7th January

Creative Destress
11am - 2pm
SU Square

Wed 8th January

Sensory Destress
11am - 2pm
SU Square

Thu 9th January

Interactive Destress
11am - 2pm
SU Square
SU Advice Service Drop In
noon - 2pm
Student Union Reception 1st Floor Percy Gee Building
Got questions about your studies, housing or need pointing to the right service? Come to our drop in sessions to speak to one of our friendly advisers who will be happy to help you! Every Student is Welcome!
Psychometric testing
5pm - 6pm
Sir bob burgees 0.02
Key Features: • Free refreshments for attendees. • Free entry for all. This event emphasizes opportunities for developing key learning skills to advance in you

Fri 10th January

Calm Destress
11am - 2pm
SU Square
Yoga/meditation - Destress
noon - 2:15pm
Gees, Percy Gee

Sat 11th January

Digital Destress
11am - 2pm

Tue 14th January

Thu 16th January

Psychometric testing
5pm - 6pm
Sir bob burgees 0.02
Key Features: • Free refreshments for attendees. • Free entry for all. This event emphasizes opportunities for developing key learning skills to advance in you

Mon 20th January

Goose and Gander Clothing Sale
10am - 4pm
SU Square
Police Now Activation
10am - 4pm
Centenary Square
Paint & Sip
noon - 5pm
Liberation Space, Percy Gee Building
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University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
Write to Us: Email

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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101