Give it a Go - Societies Events

View this month's events

Thu 30th January

GIAG - Scene Recreation Challenge
7pm - 10pm
SBB 1.03
Come to this GIAG where we either create and film our own scenes or recreat scenes from movies. To secure your place and help us form teams, purchase a free ticket!

Fri 31st January

UOL Press Society- GIAG
5pm - 7pm
Sir Bob Burgess 1.02
We are glad to announce UOL Press Society! If you're interested in getting involved in our society join us for our GIAG session this Friday! between 5-7pm on 31st of January, Bob Burgess 1.02.

Sat 1st February

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Society - Taster Session
6pm - 7:30pm
Percy Gee Building, Room 0.13

Tue 4th February

First Society Meet and Greet
6pm - 9pm
Sir Bob Burgess, Room 2.07
Come along to The True Crime Society’s first event. There will be a multitude of true crime related mini-games to break the ice between you and your society. Along with snacks and drinks this will be great way to spend your evening.

Wed 5th February

Skatepark Session
2pm - 4pm
Skate Parlour, 32 Burgess Rd, Leicester, LE2 8QL
Join us for an indoor skatepark session open for skateboarding & rollerblading (see FAQs on "buy ticket" page). **Tickets to be purchased before arrival.** (Inviting a non-UOL friend: click "Skatepark session" for more information)

Wed 12th February

Skatepark Session
2pm - 4pm
Skate Parlour, 32 Burgess Rd, Leicester, LE2 8QL
Join us for an indoor skatepark session open for skateboarding & rollerblading (see FAQs on "buy ticket" page). **Tickets to be purchased before arrival.** (Inviting a non-UOL friend: click "Skatepark session" for more information)
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University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101