Info: Ski & Snowboard trip (Skate UoL x Med Ski x UoL Surf)

Info: Ski & Snowboard trip (Skate UoL x Med Ski x UoL Surf)

Info: Ski & Snowboard trip (Skate UoL x Med Ski x UoL Surf)


Skate UoL

Fri 29 November 2024 19:00-21:00

Hi Everyone,

Regarding Tamworth Snowboard & Ski Trip
(We will send individual emails out soon)

•    Friday 29th November
•    This was chosen as most people could come
•    For those that stated they couldn’t make this day OR didn’t sign-up, if you are now able to make it
please see note at the bottom (*)

•    Leave campus = 5 pm (not 5.30 pm), as we need to arrive 30 mins before time (& Friday traffic)
•    If 5pm-ish set-off time is not possible for the majority then I will move the booking to 8-10 pm, let us know in the chat
Session = 7 – 9pm at Tamworth

•    There are enough car seats/spaces to cover all of us (33 people)
•    Thank you to everyone that said they can give a lift
•    Passenger allocations to drivers will be done later on

•    Everyone got their first preference of activity

•    Payment will be via Skate UoL page on SU site
•    We will let you know when it has been set up to pay
•    We will do our best to reimburse 50 % of session costs, it may be less than this (still a good deal regardless), will keep you updated
•    Drivers will be given £18 (£14.50 fuel + £3.50 parking)
•    Passengers will pay £6 (transport fee) via SU page (sadly this won't reimbursed)



if you did not select 29th November as date that you will be available on the google form. Then we took this as you not being able to come. If you do want to come then you will need to follow the instructions in the above message. If you can't remember what dates you selected then an email should be with you soon that confirms whether or not your space has been booked


(*) – For those that stated they couldn’t make Fri 29th Nov or didn’t sign-up:
- If you are able to ski/snowboard safely (i.e. control my speed & change my direction (turns) then we can add you to the session:
        it’s not a problem, complete the form ASAP (if you haven’t already, link on IG) then email stating you’d like to come
- If you are NOT able to ski/snowboard safely: you can be added to the waiting list for snowboard only teaching sessions, you’d only be able to book your place if 5-6 people in total sign-up for this. complete the form on IG post (if you haven’t already) then email ( stating that you are able to come for snowboarding only