Give it a Go (Womens Only Session)

Give it a Go (Womens Only Session)

Give it a Go (Womens Only Session)



Sun 08 October 2023 15:00-16:30

Danielle Brown Sports Centre

Our Give It A Go Sessions are the best ways to try out the sport and meet lots of new and old dodgeballers. We will get into teams and play some regular gamers then do some more chilled mini-games. You'll get a chance to meet our Committee, Captains and returning members of the club. It's a great way to be social with new flatmates, coursemates or long-time friends. 


With this being a women-only session there's more of a focus on developing confidence to join in the mixed session. The session will be run by our female members of committee but assisted by the male committee members. This is a great way to have a more relaxed session if you are feeling nervous about the main sessions. The great thing about this GIAG is it leads straight onto the main mixed session so you can get the fgukll feeling for the sport once you are confident!