Current Vacancies

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Students’ Union Chair

Location                   University of Leicester Students’ Union, LE1 7RH

Contract Type         Casual Student Staff  – open to all registered students at the University of Leicester who will be a student during the 2025/26 Academic year.

Salary                        £12.00 per hour plus holiday pay

Hours                         40 Hours across the academic year 


We are seeking an individual with exceptional communication skills who is able to keep calm under pressure to become our Students’ Union Chair. You will ideally have a good knowledge of representational structures and be able to effectively liaise with a wide variety of students.

As part of the role, you will be required to remain impartial whilst chairing our Leicester 100 meetings, Election Q&A Sessions and sit on the Students’ Union’s Nomination Committee, which appoints our Student Trustees. To apply for the role please email your covering letter to by 9:00am on Thursday 27th March.

If you have any questions regarding the role, please get in touch with Ian Bruce at

Interviews will take place in the week commencing 31st March either on Teams or in-person and full training for the role will be provided.




University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101