If you're struggling or would like to chat through any of your training, please contact us at unionactivities@leicester.ac.uk and send us your answer for a check
24/25 Affiliating/Re-Affiliating a Student Group
Pre-existing Student Groups must submit their affiliation documents annually to remain affiliated with Leicester Students’ Union. For this academic year, these documents must be submitted digitally through below submission form by 31st July 2024.
Affiliation Documents Submission Form
Need assistance on filling the out the affiliation documents? Visit our Student Group Handover and Affiliation Module for advice!

Click here to read more about Student Group Handover & Affiliation , including further guidance on:
- Student Group Handover
- How to fill in the Constitution
- How to fill in a Risk Assessment
- How to fill in an Inventory
LUSUMA Sub-Group Affiliation
All Sub-Groups must submit their affiliation documents for the 24/25 academic year to remain affiliated with LUSUMA and subsequently the Students’ Union. This year, the documents are:
- LUSUMA Sub-Group Constitution
- Master Risk Assessment (General) /Master Risk Assessment (Team Leicester, Sports and Performance)
- Student Group Inventory
Student Group Handover Help
We wanted to provide Student Groups with comprehensive support on how to go about completing a committee handover online.
This guidance is by no means exhaustive, and is intended as a platform for you to build from. Please edit this document and add in anything that you think should be included in your handover.
Storage Requests 24/25
We have opened up the requests for access to the student group storage for 24/25!
Did your student group have access last year?
If this is the case, please note that access is not automatically transferred over to the new committee and that a new request must be put through. We would also recommend refreshing yourselves on the storage and equipment policy and that you update your inventory list to reflect any changes.
Is this the first time your society is requesting access?
Then please read through the storage and equipment policy before submitting a request. We would also need you to provide us with an inventory (you can find this in your committee handover document) of everything you plan on storing in there.
The space requires ID card access and so we would need any student groups who would like access to provide us with a maximum of three committee members names and student emails. This can be done via the request form.
Adopt a Society
If your Student Group has been unable to fill the three core positions (President/Club Captain, Treasurer and Wellbeing and Inclusion Ambassador), it will be disaffiliated and will be automatically entered into ‘Adopt a Society’.
This is a new advertising space on www.leicesterunion.com to find potential committee members to either fill vacant roles or completely take over the society. You can find an example of what an ‘Adopt a Society’ page will look like here.
The Activities & Volunteering Department have created this ‘Adopt a Society’ form to help you ‘handover’ to the Students’ Union and/or the partially elected committee and to enable us to support the next committee with catered advice.