Events are a core component of a Student Group’s activity as they enhance the Student Experience and building membership retention!
An event is any Student Group activity that is planned by committee members for members or other committee members. This can be anything from a committee meeting to a film night to an end of year gala.
Room Booking Requests For Term 3 are NOW OPEN (31st March - 30th May)

Click here to read more about running Student Group events, including further guidance on:
Events Documentation
For all Student Group events, there are some forms that you must complete to ensure that the Students' Union can support you. Please see below:
Events without an External Speaker (To be submitted at least 2 weeks before)
At least 2 weeks before your event
The Event Notification form that enables the Activities & Volunteering Department to flag up any issues that may arise prior to your event along with ensuring that your event is covered by the insurance.
What needs completing?
Your Student Group needs to complete the Event Notification Form.
If required, this form also includes your:
- Room Bookings Application
- Food Disclaimer Agreement
- Fundraising Event Notification
Events with an External Speaker (To be submitted 6 weeks before)
At least 6 weeks before your event
The external visitor form allows the Activities & Volunteering Department to make appropriate arrangements to ensure that both visitor and Student Group are safeguarded. This can include extra security and negotiating a bigger room with the University.
What needs completing?
Your Student Group needs to complete the:
The Event Notification Form also includes:
- Room Bookings Application
- Food Disclaimer Agreement
- Fundraising Event Notification
After submission:
If your visitor has been approved, the Activities & Volunteering team will email your external visitor outlining the policies they need to follow and also providing a copy of the equality policy statement that your visitor needs to comply with, electronically sign and return to us, at least 48 hours’ prior to your event.
Trip Registration Form (To be submitted 2 weeks before trip)
2 weeks before your trip
Trip Registration Forms are a word document that you fill out to tell us key information about your trip, such as destination, time and date. They also tell us about who you are taking with you and any important information, such as medical conditions and contact details that we need to know in case of emergency. It is considered a trip if you leave the Leicester area and extends all the way to the far flung corners of the world. The form contains guidance on what to do in an emergency and has the contact information for the Activities & Volunteering team.
What needs completing?
Your Student Group needs to complete the:
Bar Crawl Guidance (Minimum 2 working days)
2 days before your bar crawl
What? The idea of this form is that not only do you send a copy to Activities & Volunteering but you also distribute it to your members. This means that if members get lost or are left behind in a location they can know approximately where to go next or how to get in contact with someone who should be able to help them. What needs completing?
Your Student Group needs to complete the:
Additional Information
Risk Assessments
What is it?
The successful completion and submission of the Student Group Master Risk Assessment (MRA) is mandatory to be affilitated with the University of Leicester Students' Union. As an elected committee member you have a duty of care to look after the safety of your members. Your committee will need to show that all possible risks pertaining to the activities of your Student Group have been considered and that achievable methods have been put in place to lower the risk to both your members and any other attendees.
The Master Risk assessment should be submitted once a year as part of your Affiliation process for all regular activities your group holds. For example, if you run a Sports group you are likely to have regular trainings but also socials and occasionally a trip to another part of the country to compete. For each of these different events you should ensure that they are covered under your MRA but you must resubmit your Risk Assessment when holding an event not covered under the MRA. Need further support? If you require additional support filling in a risk assessment, please contact and check out our Student Group Handover & Affiliation Training module.
Public Liability Insurance
If your Student Group is affiliated to the Students' Union (have completed affiliation documents and training), you are covered by Students’ Union’s public liability insurance (PLI).
This means that your group is covered if any personal injury or property damage results where the activity has been organised by your Student Group provided that you have taken appropriate safeguards to minimise such an eventuality. This means having completed your Master Risk Assessment for the activity and implementing the risk reducing measures, and also having submitted an event Notification Form.
This insurance covers the majority of group activities on and off campus, however if you are doing an activity that you don’t normally do (e.g. a one off event that involves higher risk elements) then please check with us to ensure that the activity will definitely be covered and reflect this in your risk assessment.
Please note that if your group organises activities that are not covered by our Public Liability insurance then the organisers of the event may be personally held responsible for any claims.
Thorough risk assessments are a vital part of the insurance process, you need to ensure that all possible risks are identified and controlled in order to be covered with the public liability insurance as well as demonstrating that you have implemented the controls at the actual event.
Personal Accident Insurance
If your group partakes in regular physical activity i.e. you are a sports or physical performance society, or do field trips etc., we would highly recommend you considering Personal Accident (PA) cover. This cover is designed to provide financial help if you have a serious accident or injury, or if you suffer a fatal accident where the Students’ Union is not responsible for the accident.
There are various providers of PA and we’d recommend doing some research on the Internet to find one that suits your group’s needs. .
Team Leicester Insurance
If you are a Team Leicester club all fully paid members have personal accident cover included. Once you have your Gym membership and Club membership paid it is active.
This, however, only covers you for the team of which you have membership; not activities undertaken with other groups and societies. For further details on this insurance please contact
When serving food at events, it's important that you are keeping your Student Group and attendees safe. For any events where your Student Group is in charge of providing the food, you must abide by our
Food Provision Requirements. For the updated
Food Disclaimer, please see
Section 7 of the above document.
Your Student Group can only provide snacks and not entire meals and cannot serve food which needs to be temperature controlled (such as meats, fish, rice and dairy products). When having external catering, you must provide the documents asked for on the policy.
Booking Rooms on Campus
All student group have access to booking rooms across the Students' Union and University, including lecture theatres and seminar rooms. All you need to do is submit the Room Bookings form at least 2 weeks before your event and wait for the confirmation email to confirm your booking.
If your Student Group is looking to book a room on campus, check out our Room Bookings Webpage