Understanding your Student Group’s finances is key to your success throughout the academic year.
The Treasurer is the primary lead for the financial management of your Student Group, however it is the responsibility of all Committee Members to be aware of the Student Group’s finances.

Click here to read more about Student Group Financial Management, including further guidance on:
- Your Student Group’s Funding Account
- Expenditure and Income
- Raising Money for your Student Group
- Raising Money for Charity
- Practicing Successful Financial Management in Your Committee
- Making your Experience Transferable
Finance Additional Training 24/25
The slides from the additional training held for the 24/25 year on student group finances, can be found here.
Grant Funding Applications 24/25
Every year, the SU has funds to support affiliated Student Groups in their development, and achieving their constitutional aims and objectives. This money is awarded to help cover the costs of Student Group events, campaigns, trips, equipment and much more.
It is important that you read through the 2024-25 Grant Funding Guidelines carefully. You should also read through the example applications before starting to fill out your own application by clicking here.
We can only review a maximum of 10 Grant Funding applications at once. This may require us to occasionally shorten the deadline so that our team and Societies Council can review applications based on their workload.
Below is the timetable for deadlines to apply:
13th January 2025
17th January 2025
31st January 2025
14th Febraury 2025 |
7th March 2025
14th March 2025
Find our Finance Documentation Below
Booking the SUMUP Card Reader
As a Students’ Union, we have a ‘SUMUP’ Card Reader that we can rent to Student Groups. This can be booked through the Event Notification Form. We can only book the card reader out to one Student Group a day so submit your form early to avoid disappointment!
Please Note: For each transaction made using the SUMUP Card Reader there will be a charge of 2%.
Event Notification Form
Notifying the Students' Union of Charity Fundraising Donations
Straight after completing your charity fundraising event
The Students’ Union itself is a registered charity, and as such, all affiliated Student Groups are part of the registered charity. This means that all money that is fundraised for charity must be banked through the SU in order to comply with UK Charity Law. This applies for all Student Groups all year round, including out-of-term time.
After Submission:
We use this notification to donate funds to your chosen charity and to add them to the RAG totaliser for the year.
Charity Fundraising Donation Form
Applying for Student Group Grant Funding
Applications are taken at any time but reviewed once a month.
Every year, the SU has funds to support affiliated Student Groups in their development, and achieving their constitutional aims and objectives. This money is awarded to help cover the costs of Student Group events, campaigns, trips, equipment and much more.
It is important that you read through the 2024-25 Grant Funding Guidelines carefully. You should also read through the example applications before starting to fill out your own application by clicking here.
After Submission:
The Societies Council reviews all Grant Funding applications once a month.
2024-25 Grant Funding Guidelines
The application form can be found by clicking here.
Gaining Sponsorships
Sponsorship contracts can be created at any point in the year but must be reviewed by the Activities & Volunteering Department by sending the filled in template to unionactivities@le.ac.uk.
Sponsorships are a fantastic way to build a relationship with a company whilst sometimes also getting a financial bonus.
After Submission:
The Activities & Volunteering Team reviews all sponsorship agreements to ensure that your Student Group is getting the best deal.
Sponsorship Guidance Booklet
Template Sponsorship Contract
Generating an Invoice
You can use the Invoice Template to invoice a third party, such as a sponsor, for money owed to the group. This contains the bank details and address of the Union finance office. Be aware that if the third party doesn't reference your group, the funds will not be allocated into your account.
Invoice Template