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Medics Women's Football


Leicester Medics Women’s Football Club are a friendly and sociable club who welcome all girls no matter what your football ability. Women’s Football is  a very popular choice for medics, for both its social and fitness aspects. We love to meet to play sport and have fun together and would love for you to join us this year!
We train every Friday 6:30-8:00PM at the Manor Road Astro Turf in Oadby (5 minute walk from Oadby Halls, see map below), with our sessions made up of a quick warm-up, skills practice and often a friendly match. We organise matches against other teams within the University as well as teams from local Medical Schools, such as Warwick and Nottingham.
Our biggest event of the year is the NAMS (National Association of Medical Schools) tournament where we travel to a city together and play in a tournament against many of the UK Medical Schools. The weekend in late March is a great opportunity to see a new city, meet lots of new people and have a great time playing football, as well as have two amazing nights out as a team.
Throughout the year we hold socials and academic help sessions to create a real team spirit between all members of the club. The club is made up of girls from Years 1-5, so is a great way to make friends across all the year groups in a low pressure and fun environment. In the past year we even had a crazy golf social which was so much fun! We're always there to support each other as well as have fun playing football. We also have alumni members who are newly graduated doctors!
If you want to meet lovely new friends, get fit and have a laugh, please visit us on Sports Night, like our Facebook page and come along to any training session! Feel free to contact the Captain or Vice Captain (through our facebook page) for more information. 

Our Committee:

  • Captain: Rhiannon Heath
  • Vice-Captain: Sarah Willmott
  • Treasurer: Kiran Uppal
  • Secretary: Ellie Buchanan
  • Welfare: Jasmine James
  • Coach: Pavan Landa
  • Social Secretary: Karina Uppal + Sophie Martin
  • Kit Secretary: Alessandra Fraser-Pye

We don't have anything planned right now but check back soon!
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University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
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