Welcome! We’re Leicester CU and we can’t wait to meet you.
We are a welcoming, diverse community of students giving students the chance to ask big questions about life & faith. Our mission is to give everyone at UoL the
chance to hear, see and respond to the good news of Jesus.
All are welcome, students of all denominations, all faiths and none, whatever your background we’d love to connect with you!
When we meet:
We run loads of events & meetings with something for everyone!
This is what goes on every week:
Discovery Groups: Small groups meeting in peoples houses/flats to eat, have fun, explore some of life’s questions and what Jesus might have to say about them.
Monday/Tuesday evenings - Oadby Student village / City & Clarendon Park
Equip: Our main weekly meeting with worship, encouraging teaching, equipping for mission with a great community atmosphere and something social afterwards!
Thursday 7pm - Charles Wilson Building (Floor 2, Belvoir City Lounge)
We also run many other events including: a huge bonfire night, a Christmas carol service, International buffets, regular socials (of all varieties), a members weekend away, lunchtime talks (with free food!) & much more!

A bit more about us:
We are committed to living out the mission of Jesus in every area of student life,
doing life together as a diverse community from all denominations and backgrounds. Our heart is to point to Jesus in speech and action; to pray and worship together; spending time building an authentic community with one another and to support and equip Christian students for mission. Inviting everyone in to a loving community where you can explore life's big questions and explore who Jesus is and why it matters.
As a CU we’re also involved with many other societies & groups’ events such as ‘Welcome on wednesdays’ (the Chaplaincy’s weekly lunch), Christians in Sport, Christian Medical Fellowship and our own Science Network. We also run joint events and regularly meet up with DMU CU, and other local CU’s - including the occasional football match!
We have great links with local churches and we’re affiliated with many other Christian Unions through UCCF nationally and IFES internationally. We all share a passion for reaching the students of our campuses sharing with them the love and good news of Jesus.
Almost all of our events are free for everyone and anyone (member or not) is always welcome!
In order to help support all the things we run, we have a membership of £5 for the whole year - allowing you to book on for our amazing weekend away while helping further everything we do as a community at UoL!
Get Connected:
Drop us a DM on instagram (@leicesterunicu) to find out more, get plugged in, or just say hello. Or perhaps join the mailing list where we will keep you updated about events throughout the Year.
We’d love to get to know you and help settle you into student life at Leicester. Feel free to drop us a message and we’ll give you a FaceTime, buy you a coffee, or meet up in the park. We can’t wait to meet you!
Nathaniel Graves [2nd Year Archaeology and ancient history]
Miriam Zborowska [2nd Year Phychology with cognitive neuroscience]
Peter Bennett [2nd Year Medical Genetics]
Prayer and Worship Coordinator:
Charlie Medcalf [_________]
Karim Bazarwala [2nd Year Accounting]
Neam Davda [2nd Year Economics]
Discipleship Coordinator:
George Glossop [3rd Year Geography]
Publicity Coordinator:
Naomi Rawding [1st Year Physiotherapy]
Regular Events Coordinator:
Sorcha Steel [4th Year Spanish and Translation]
Large Events Coordinator:
Sorcha Steel [4th Year Spanish and Translation]
Worship Coordinator:
Ella [3rd Year Biological Sciences]