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Intersectional Feminist Society

We are an intersectional and inclusive society passionately fighting for the liberation, emancipation and celebration of women globally. We aim to eradicate prejudice on campus through education on feminism and what it means to be a feminist. To anyone who desires equality for all: you are first and foremost a feminist.

We welcome all genders – gender inequality is not just a women’s issue. Feminism often has negative connotations, we hope to challenge that. You don’t need to know everything about feminism to join our society!

We hold regular meetings, such as FemVents, to discuss and debate various issues around gender equality, and we want to welcome a diverse membership in order to hear a wide range of opinions.

Whilst the main focus of our society is gender equality, we promise to create a vibrant and fun social atmosphere. We hold regular socials and we will listen to your requests. We promise to create a supportive, diverse and friendly community.

To ensure our society is intersectional, inclusive and supportive we have representational officers also on hand to be contacted. These include a BAME Officer, an LGBT+ officer and a Disabilities officer that represents those with physical disabilities and illnesses, mental health issues, dyslexia and autism.

Please feel free to ask any questions or contact us!

Our facebook page is active and answers messages quickly - we also have a closed members page to add you to once you've joined us!

Twitter: @UoLFemSoc

Instagram: @ifemsoc_uol



President - Aisha Mlamali
Secretary - Georgia Hilton-Buckley
Treasurer - Charlotte Baker 
Wellbeing Officer: Millie Roonay

We don't have anything planned right now but check back soon!
There are no current news articles.

Student Group Elections 25.26

Welcome to the 25/26 Student Group Elections. It is a privilege to represent your university student group and be in a position to make a difference in your society and enhance the student experience. If you feel passionate about your club/society and want to apply for this opportunity do not miss the chance to put your name forward and become part of the 25/26 committee cohort.

906 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 09:00 on Thursday 6 March 2025 (in 11 days)

The polls open at 09:00 on Friday 14 March 2025 (in 19 days)

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University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
Write to Us: Email

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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101