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Students for Global Health

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Students for Global Health Leicester (SfGH) is a registered charity run by students at a national and local level. We have 30 branches nationally and aim to tackle health inequality across the globe via campaigning, education and advocacy. Ultimately we want to inspire individuals of various backgrounds and disciplines to have a better insight into what global health entails.

We hold many events throughout the year with our most popular being the Global Health Short Course. We will be running this in January-March 2022 over eight weeks. We will also be holding online campaigns on a range of important and relevant global health topics. We will be continuing our fundraising for Toilet Twinning with the aim of raising £1500 and achieving Toilet Twinning Status for the university! Our JustGiving link is here:

Students for Global Health Leicester is part of a larger network and registered charity with national and international links. As a member you can attend training courses, have the opportunity for international exchanges (medics and research placements) and to get involved with campaigning. We also offer workshops, debates and films on key themes throughout the year and give opportunities to train you up to organise workshops of your own!



- Lifetime membership: £5

Yearly membership: £2


Contact us

National SFGH page:

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram (sfghleicester) and Twitter for regular updates and more opportunities.


Committee 2021/2022

President: Christie Hall

Secretary: Alisha Kanani

Treasurer: Josh Datta

Wellbeing & Inclusion Officer: TBC

Education Officers: Izzy Donaldson and Jasmine Sharp

Social Media Officer: TBC

Charity and Campaigns Coordinators: Paul Armitage and Ahmad Khan


We don't have anything planned right now but check back soon!
There are no current news articles.

Student Group Elections 25.26

Welcome to the 25/26 Student Group Elections. It is a privilege to represent your university student group and be in a position to make a difference in your society and enhance the student experience. If you feel passionate about your club/society and want to apply for this opportunity do not miss the chance to put your name forward and become part of the 25/26 committee cohort.

906 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 09:00 on Thursday 6 March 2025 (in 11 days)

The polls open at 09:00 on Friday 14 March 2025 (in 19 days)

No resources uploaded


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University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
Write to Us: Email

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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101