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Hello, we are the University of Leicester's Astronomy and Rocketry Society (AstRoSoc). We are a group of students who enjoy everything and anything to do with space!

Some of the things we do are:

  • Observatory nights at the University observatory in Oadby, using the 20 inch telescope
  • Astronomy talks and activities
  • Rocketry and rover design projects for you to get involved in
  • Movie nights with space films such as InterstellarAlien, and Contact
  • Pub socials
  • Board game socials at ReRoll Board Game Cafe
  • Trips to the annual National Student Space Conference (NSSC)
  • and more!

Check out our episode of BBC's The Sky at Night!

Please check out our social media and Discord for the latest information using our Linktree: AstroSoc | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

We are affiliated with the Institute of Physics (IOP) as a silver society and the UK Students for Exploration and Development of Space (UKSEDS).



UKSEDS - UK Students for the Exploration and Development of Space - Login
Membership price £3

Committee 2024/25:

President: Max Harvie
Treasurer: Abigail Rose Neilson
Wellbeing and Inclusion: Justin Charlesworth
Secretary: Emily Stedall
Vice President: Mohammed Siddiqui
Events and Social Secretary: Rowan Walsh
Chief Astronomer: Andrew McCorkindale
Head of Projects: Edward Smith
Assisstant Head of Projects: Rhiannon Warwick

Astrophotography Workshop - collab with NatSciSoc
29th March 1pm - 4pm
Percy Gee 2.23 (SU Training Room)
A workshop introducing the basics of Astrophotography and Image Processing, hosted by Steven Elough from the Leicester Astronomical Association!
Workshop | Global Events Calendar
There are no current news articles.
No elections are currently running
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3 photos
Updated Thu 03 Sep 2020
Observatory nights!
2 photos
Updated Thu 03 Sep 2020
6 photos
Updated Thu 03 Sep 2020
NSSC 2019
7 photos
Updated Wed 02 Sep 2020
NSSC 2020
5 photos
Updated Thu 03 Sep 2020


Please log in to join this organisation.

University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
Write to Us: Email

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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101