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Hindu Society

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Leicester Hindu Society - NHSF 2024/2025

Welcome to Leicester Hindu Society - NHSF, our aim is to provide members with the unique opportunity to truly experience and embrace Hindu culture and religion. Whilst promoting unity amongst Hindu youth as well as providing our members with a home away from home combining cultural and traditional morals with university life. We are also a society where people who are wanting to learn about Hinduism and Hindu culture can join us from all faiths, our society is open to everyone.

We will be hosting a diverse range of events and activities throughout the year, including Aartis, controversial debates, social nights, group excursions, sports competitions and many more. We hope to create a fun environment where everyone feels welcome and somewhere where in our busy student lives, we can still make sure that we don't forget Hindu traditions and culture.

We Strive to Preserve, Practice and Protect Hindu Dharma. If you have any questions please feel free to drop us a message!

Find us at Fresher’s fair, get to know what the society has to offer and sign up!


Instagram: @leicesterhindusociety

We don't have anything planned right now but check back soon!
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University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
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