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Minecraft Society


Welcome to the Minecraft Society!

Minecraft Society is a place for all things Minecraft - And more!

Whether you want to play, talk, make, or watch, we have you covered.


Here's a little peek into what we have planned.

• We will have a 24/7 server for members to play on. We hope to have a world for creative mode, survival mode, and one for minigames.

• We plan on recreating the campus in Minecraft - From the Attenbrough Tower to the Arts building, people will be able to log in and see the university from anywhere in the world.

• We will host in-person sessions, a chance to play whilst seeing eachother's faces, or take part in extra activities - Want to watch Minecraft Live with others? Does arts and crafts catch your attention? A workshop to make your own skin? A chance to get your hands dirty and grow some plants featured in Minecraft? Then step right up!

• Can't show up? Then you can join one of our many online sessions, either on Zoom or on the society's Discord server!

• Minecraft not your thing? Not a problem! If you have an interest which doesn't quite have a society of its own, then you're welcome to call us home! From Lego to Pokemon, feel free to come along - No membership required. 

We have lots planned, but we're nothing without you. If you have any ideas or thoughts, then we're keen to hear. 

Join our society's discord to open a ticket - or send us a mssage on any platform we're on!

(We're still setting everything up at the moment. Check later for links)

There's still more to cover. Come back to this page later, we'll be updating it with all the extra details you need to know!

Don't worry about buying a membership - We will be hosting free Give it a Go sessions so you can decide if it's worth it!


We don't have anything planned right now but check back soon!
There are no current news articles.
No elections are currently running
No resources uploaded


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University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
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