Clapping hands, a speech bubble, and three figures in a huddle on a blue wavy background.

New Group Suggestions

Want to start a new group but cannot find other interested students? Submit it as a suggestion here! With over 18,000 students at Leicester, there is a good chance you are not the only one interested in a topic no matter how niche you think it might be.

On this page you can submit an idea for a new group, or club, and then other students can engage with it. If your idea gets a lot of interest we can help you promote it to find other students who want to create it with you. Students can also comment to get involved, offer ideas, or other suggestions in order to make your idea a reality. Suggest something today or see if there are any groups below you would be interested in starting! Votes are anonymous so, if you want to be contacted or discuss the idea with students, leave a comment on the idea.

Has your idea got a lot of interest or do you want to be put in contact with someone about their idea? Comment on their post or email us at for help with your next steps. You can also click here to start a new society or club, if you are ready to apply!

New Group Suggestions

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  • 17 score
    17 voters

    Walking/Camping Society

      A society that focuses on enjoying the great outdoors and the wonders of the countryside. It would offer day walk activities (local and further afield in the UK) and camping events (overnight). We would tackle challenging terrain and more lighter walks, to allow a variety of abilities to get involved. I think the initial premise is fantastic, but it would take a fair amount of planning/organising, especially concerning kit (i.e. tents) and transport (i.e. to the Peak District).
    Daniel Christopher Booth
    9:44am on 18 Sep 24 I'd be happy to help, training to be an ML and work with DofE. There's a few in the mountaineering club who could lend a hand if needed.
    Zia Ali
    9:22pm on 13 Nov 24 I would be interested in a camping society

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    University of Leicester
    University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
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