Explore Physics together with Physoc whilst enjoying our social events.
We are a society based in the Department of Physics and Astronomy who welcome all new and returning physicists as well as everyone who shares our passion for this subject.
Physoc aims to foster an active social side to the Physics degree course with lots of social and academic events throughout the year.
Our most popular events include a bar crawl, drinks with lecturers, an end-of-year ball, and an end-of-year trip.
We also hold several non-drinking events, such as coffee mornings and talks from researchers in the Physics department, so look out for those—you are very welcome to join us regardless of whether you drink or not.
If you want to chat with any of our committee members, you are more than welcome to contact us or talk to us if you see us.
We are looking forward to seeing you as a member!
Committee members 2024/25:
President: Zac Shortall
Vice-President: Az Poole
Treasurer: Kimi Varsani
Wellbeing and Inclusions Officer: Ash Andrews
Social Secretary: Max Harvie
Find us on Facebook
Instagram: uol_physoc
Email su-physics@le.ac.uk
Membership £5 for the year 2024/25
Physoc branded hoodies and t-shirts are available to buy under the "Products" tab
We are an IOP Silver affiliated society.