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Equestrian and Polo


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Discipline Date 
Equestrian @Somerby  2nd Oct
Polo @ Offchurch Bury 6th Oct 


Recreational Riding lessons are provided weekly and cater to all abilities. We offer recreational fun lessons on Wednesday afternoons for all levels and abilities. 

Riding Lessons: Every Wednesday between 2:30 and 4:30.

Our Polo yard is located in Offchurch Bury. Here the horses are polo ponies and we have an experienced polo instructor who teaches members with various riding abilities. Polo is an exciting, fast-paced sport, but no previous riding experience is needed. Come along to one of our taster sessions and have a go!

Our Polo lessons usually take place on a Wednesday (4:30pm) and Sunday (12pm).



Being in a team is great fun and a good way of being involved in the club, however we also hold other activities such as intraclub competitions so that both team and non-team members can enjoy the excitement and involvement of attending competitions. 

A team complete a Novice/Elementary level dressage test and jumps up to 90cm in the first round, with the height of the jumps increasing up to 1.20 at national levels! 

B Team complete a prelim/novice dressage test and jump up to 80cm in the first round with jumps going up to 1.10 at the national level.

Our development team rides in friendly competitions across the region completing the B team dressage test and jumps up to 70cm. These competitions are more relaxed and allow a wider group of people to compete for their university, 


Our team training is more serious than the recreational Wednesday lessons. We focus on the scales of training and work towards all advanced riders being able to complete a novice dressage test and competently jump a course of jumps at a height you are comfortable with. 

A team and B team: Monday evening 

Development Team and Advanced lesson (in the style of team training): Thursday Evening 

Team Announcements

Teams for 2023/2024

A Team B Team Development Team 
Izzy H Lauren Sadie
Lily Lucy  Georgia T
Jemima Izzy C Lily-May 
Issy J Lottie  Abi
Lottie (Reserve) Sadie (Reserves) Alexandra (Reserve)


Varisty 2024 Teams 

A Team B Team
Lowenna (C) Megan (C)
Lily Issy J
Esme Izzy C
Lauren Lucy 
Reserve: Issy (J) Reserve: Abi


Your 2024 Varsity winner!

Teams compete in polo in both SUPA competitions and regular friendly matches. Every lesson also ends with practise matches for you to improve as a team.

For the past 3 years we have been sending teams to Summer and Winter Nationals and we look forward to sending more this year!

We are a very social club and offer lots of different socials from bar crawls and nights out, to meals and trips to ‘horsey events’, such as the Your Horse Live. We always have a great mix of nights out and non drinking socials so there will be something for everyone.


You can pay your membership fee online at

Membership fee: £50

Social membership: £10

Team Leicester membership (Gold and Team Leicester only) £110-£198 (Full details can be found at
Club Membership (or social Membership) £50 (Social £10)
Lessons  £26
Driver's lesson price £16

Equipment (such as hats and boots) for riders can be borrowed from the riding school and Polo yard so is not necessary to purchase outright however we recommend riders to have their own equipment where possible, especially advanced riders, mainly for safety and hygiene reasons. 

For an idea of basic equipment prices:

Jodphurs £25+
Riding Helmet £60+
Riding Boots £50+

For advanced riders looking to compete they will need their own compition wear 

White/Beige Jodpurs £40+
Competion Jacket £50+
Shirts and ties/stock £30+

Our club also has Team leicester sportswear however none of this is required to purchase for training or competitng.

Where to find us

Find us on Facebook and Instagram



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University of Leicester
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