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Football and Futsal (Womens)

Women’s football & futsal is one of the main female sports available at the University of Leicester. Our club focuses on creating a cohesive community within sports, as well as an environment for members to develop themselves as players and as people. Regardless of your experience, we aim to give all members equal opportunities to try something new and work on various skills. Joining will also give you the chance to represent your university during both home and away games around different parts of the midlands!

Strengthening relationships and communication between team members is not only worked on during training. Our Wednesday socials give everyone an opportunity to get to know one another, dress up and be part of the uni experience. Some honourable mentions from last season are our Christmas party, I’m a Celeb social and Pub Golf. Sober socials and other social opportunities like trips or even study sessions will also be organised throughout the year.

Training and Give It a Go Sessions:

Official football training is held twice a week on Monday and Tuesday evening at the UoL sports centre in Oadby, with an additional Friday ‘Let’s do Leicester’ session available. Don’t worry, the university provides free shuttlebuses from the main campus to the centre all year round. Futsal training will take place on Saturdays (TBC), early afternoon at the Danielle Brown sports centre, with extra training times currently being revised within the committee.

For members that are moving in early, we are holding pre-season training sessions on the week of the 9th and 16th September at our UoL sports centre in Oadby, this is for both new members and existing members and is a great way to get to know people around campus.

Our 'Give it a Go' sessions will be held on Sunday 29th September 2024! This is a great oppourtunity to come down and show off your skills to earn yourself a place in our 1s or 2s squad for the 24/25 season. They are run by our committee memebers and team captains so theres nothing to be worried about!

For Football, these sessions will be held at the UoL sports centre in Oadby (Roger Bettles Sports Centre) from 13:00-14:30 and then 14:30-16:00 so please come down and show us what you've got! For Futsal, this session will be held in the sports hall of Roger Bettles, from 16:00-18:00.

We also run 'Let's Do Leicester' sessions on Sundays from 6-8pm. These are optional are focus more on skill development for newer players or those looking to further their current ability!


ULWFC is a club at the University of Leicester with two official football teams. The 1s and 2s football squads aim to work on players performance through weekly training, BUCS league and cup matches. Our 1s team remain competing in Aldi Women's Midlands Tier 2, whilst our 2s squad will compete in the Aldi Women's Midlands Tier 4 in the 24/25 season.

This year outside of BUCS games, we hope to form a development team for players who want to focus on gaining more experience in match settings. Such games will be in the form of friendlies with neighbouring universities organised based on availability and demand.

In addition to BUCS games, based on player performance, a varsity squad will be selected for Football at the end of the season to compete against DMU, our rival university. Last season our varsity squad beat DMU 5-2! So we'd love to raise that trophy again this coming season!


If a 11-a-side isn’t for you, our 5-a-side Futsal programme could be! The team focuses more on fast paced and skill based plays with plenty of opportunities for matches throughout the year. We know that futsal might not be as well known as football, which is why we'll provide multiple oppurtunities to get involved and learn the ins and outs of the game.

To put it simply, Futsal is an indoor, 5-a side game (4 outfield players and 1 goalkeeper). As the pitch is much smaller, futsal encourages players to have a good first touch and tight ball control, allowing the ball to be played quickly around the pitch. Players naturally rotate throughout the positions during the game so you'll never be standing in one position for too long!

At our 'Give It A Go' and weekly training sessions, you'll learn how to control the ball like a futsal player and how to organise the team so that you can all support eachother. Most importantly, you'll run through different set plays - corners and kick ins (not throw ins!) to score many goals! Hopefully this will mean you love it as much as we do!

Following on from last seasons league win (WOOP WOOP), our Futsal team will compete in BUCS Midlands Tier 1, and will be involved in a cup competition.

We look forward to seeing many new faces at our training sessions!


- Football Varsity Winners 23/24 season!

- Futsal BUCS Leage Winners 23/24 season! (Womens Midlands Tier 2)

- Futsal Conference Cup Champions 23/24 season!

- Team Leicester Community Award 23/24 season!

- Futsal short listed for Team Leicester Team of the Year 23/24 season!

- ULWFC short listed for Team Leicester Club of the Year 23/24 season!

- Our 22/23 season and 23/24 season Club Captain - Abbie Dossetter - short listed for Team Leicester Outstanding Contribution to Sport Award!

- Coach of the Year Award 23/24 season for our 23/24 season Futsal coach Archie Robinson!

- Womens Midlands Tier 4 Winners 22/23 season! (Our 2s squad)

- Futsal reach the semi-finals of the Midlands Conference Cup 22/23 season!

- Futsal finished 2nd in the Womens Midlands Tier 2 League 22/23 season!

- ULWFC nominated for Team Leicester Most Improved Club of the Year 22/23 season!


Club membership for the whole season is TBC. One membership will cover members to compete in both Football and Futsal so you don't have to worry about purchasing two different memberships!

This can be purchased directly here on our SU page. If you’re looking to participate in BUCS games for either football or futsal, you must also purchase a Team Leicester membership. A range of membership options are available which grant access to different facilities with the price ranging between £99-£198. More info below:

Membership | Sport and Active Life | University of Leicester

Charity Work

At ULWFC, we are very passionate about community work. During our 23/24 season, we:

- raised enough money to donate 27 fox teddies to the UoL Sport teddy drive for Christmas. These teddies were then delievered to children in Leicester hospitals just in time for Christmas! 

- had 5 fighters participate in Student Fight Night, in which our girls went through weeks of boxing training and then competed whilst raising money for their chosen charities. We also had a few girls work as executives for Fight Night, Commentators and even Ring Girls.

- had our new co-club captain Ellie and our new health and well-being secretary Poppie start a 'Let's Get Leicester Talking' initiative, with the aim to raise money in aid of mind charity

- raised and donated £250 to 'Wishes4kids' charity by selling varisty t-shirts

- raised and donated £100 to 'Wishes4kids' charity by selling old kit

- raised enough money to donated 24 Easter eggs to Leicester hospitals for the UoL Sport egg drive.



Instagram: ULWFC1


Twitter: ULWFC1


Co-Club Captains: Molly Bishop + Ellie Buckingham  (,

Club Secretary: Annalyse Hasanally   (

Treasurer: Lydia Harvey   (

Health and Wellbeing: Poppie Corbishley   (

Kit Secretary: Alina O'Mullane   (

Media Secretary: Sophia Cocca   (

Social Secretaries: Libby Prince + Paulina Nager   (,

Futsal Captain: Irey Bamigboye   (


We don't have anything planned right now but check back soon!
There are no current news articles.

Student Group Elections 25.26

Welcome to the 25/26 Student Group Elections. It is a privilege to represent your university student group and be in a position to make a difference in your society and enhance the student experience. If you feel passionate about your club/society and want to apply for this opportunity do not miss the chance to put your name forward and become part of the 25/26 committee cohort.

931 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 09:00 on Thursday 6 March 2025 (in 41 hours)

The polls open at 09:00 on Friday 14 March 2025 (in 9 days)

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University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
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