Find a Sports Club












Training times:



The club holds weekly socials every Wednesday for Letsdisko nights as well as semi-regular dry socials such as movie nights, skating, and laser tag! We also hold other formal socials such as a the Christmas meal  and Awards Night. The socials are always fun and we welcome all players from the club to join!


Club Memberships:

In order to play for a university of Leicester sports team, including volleyball, you will need a Team Leicester membership. There are 3 options to Team Leicester memberships:

  • Gold membership: £165 (early bird offer) or £198 if purchased after the early bird deadline of 13 October, 2024. This gives you access to sports clubs, sports facilities, group classes, and the gym.

  • Termly membership: £99 and gives access to sports clubs and group classes for one term, either the first or the second.

  • Team Leicester membership: £110 and only gives access to sports clubs.

More information on TL memberships and purchasing can be found here:


Volleyball Memberships

In addition to a team Leicester membership, you will need a volleyball membership. These are available to purchase on the right-hand side of this webpage. There are 3 categories depending on the level/ team you play for after trails. 

  • Casual membership is £15. This is for those who are not in a team, It allows you to join open court sessions and socials.

  • Mixed team membership is £40. This is for players who make into the Local League team.

  • BUCS membership is £55 and is for all players who make it into one of our BUCS teams which consist of Men's 1, Men's 2, Women's 1, and Women's 2.


Semester 2 Volleyball Memberships

For students who have joined the club or a new team as of semester 2, these are available to purchase by logging in and going to the products section of this website.

  • Semester 2 Mixed team membership is £20.00.

  • Semester 2 BUCS team membership is £30.00.

  • Semester 2 Mixed to BUCS Membership Upgrade is £10.00. This is for those who have moved from Mixed team into a BUCS team as of semester 2.


Check out our Social media:

Instagram: uolvc -

Facebook: UOLVC -

TikTok: uolvc1 -



  • Spond is an app we use to organise events and sessions, for the most up to date information download and join Spond! 


Contact us:

If you have any questions, you can Email us at or DM us on Instagram @UOLVC. We look forward to meeting all new players during freshers and trials!


We don't have anything planned right now but check back soon!
There are no current news articles.

Student Group Elections 25.26

Welcome to the 25/26 Student Group Elections. It is a privilege to represent your university student group and be in a position to make a difference in your society and enhance the student experience. If you feel passionate about your club/society and want to apply for this opportunity do not miss the chance to put your name forward and become part of the 25/26 committee cohort.

906 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 09:00 on Thursday 6 March 2025 (in 11 days)

The polls open at 09:00 on Friday 14 March 2025 (in 19 days)

No resources uploaded


Please log in to join this organisation.

University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
Write to Us: Email

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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101