Hey Everyone!
To attend indoor sessions:
- Purchase £5 membership
- Purchase £10 1-month pass (in events tabs)
- Reserve your free spot on each session (in events tabs). There should be enough spaces to attend sessions. However, you need to book on in order to make sure that the skatepark is not over-capacity (tickets our released 1 week before each event)
All sessions were previously free but to ensure sessions still run we now charge a small fee, we appreciate your support
Stay in the loop by following us on both:
- Discord & whatsapp (obtain link by emailing Lh454@student.le.ac.uk from student email address, include your phone number in email)
- On our Instagram

Skate UOL is about being able to practice skateboarding in a supportive space.
Group is open to all levels, from first timers to the advanced with the aim being to allow students to have fun skateboarding. Guidance can be given to those that want to learn.
What to expect:
- We aim to have indoor sessions every 2-3 weeks (at Skate parlour, an indoor skatepark, Wedmesdays 2-4 pm)
- Indoor sessions have a limit on the number of skateboarders/ rollerbladers that can be skating at anyone time (due to safety reasons). Therefore for indoor sessions you need to reserve your spot each time (via our events tab on SU site)
- During weeks that there aren't any indoor events we normally use the discord to let people know we're going for a skate outdoors (e.g. at Victoria Park) and that anyone that is interested is welcome to join (feel free to use the discord to invite others to skate!).
- Each term we do trips to other cities to skate with multiple other Uni's (memberships required to get 50 % reimbursement)
Skateboards & safety equipment can be borrowed (for free) at sessions
**Come join us for a indoor skate session on Wednesdays (see events tabs), please see "events" page to attend.**
Any problems purchasing tickets please contact us)**
For more sessions and socials please follow us on our Instagram page where we will keep you updated
**Before participating in skatepark sessions you will need to fill this waiver.** (Waiver only needs to be filled in once)
Meet the Committee (2023/24)
Ethan Cross - President
Zakary - Vice President & Treasurer
Mina - Wellbeing and Inclusion Ambassador
(previous comittee members at bottom of page)
Members recieve the following offeres:

* - Free entry to Skate Parlour (indoor) skatepark sessions
Rent a board for the term: As a of 09/10/24, there are 4 boards available to rent. If you would like to rent one, email mai17@student.le.ac.uk

Stickers - by Gina (sold-out)

Thank you to previous comittee members
Committee (2023/24)
Zakary - President
Ethan - Vice President & Treasurer
Sam - Wellbeing and Inclusion Ambassador
(previous comittee members at bottom of page)
Committee (2021-2023)
Shahmeer Zeb (left) - Vice President & Treasurer
Zakary Sule (Middle) - President
Rosanna Chan (Right) - Wellbeing and Inclusion Ambassador
Issra Osman - Supoort Officer