Academic and Learning Support


As a student, it's important that you're in a position where you can achieve your best.
If you feel like a particular academic issue or your learning circumstances are prohibiting you from performing to the best of your ability, there are a range of services which you can access.


Campus Support
AccessAbility Service

Offering support to students with specific learning difficulties, mental health or mobility difficulties, deafness or visual impairment. 
This includes study support services, specialised study equipment, alternative exam arrangements, and more.
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Phone: +44 (0)116 252 5002
Study resources: Online study guides

Centre for Academic Achievement

The Centre for Academic Achievement is a place where you can access support during your studies from a convenient central hub in the Library.


We offer expert advise on academic skills and maths through dedicated one-to-one support.

We will also be running central workshops throughout term-time focused on a range of core topics. You can learn more by visiting our website here.

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 09:00am to 05:00pm


Academic Representation: Course Reps 

Academic representation is a partnership between Leicester Students' Union and the departments of the University of Leicester.
They aim to ensure that students play an essential role in guaranteeing and driving the quality of the academic experience.
To find out who your Course Rep is visit:

Advice Service

Free, confidential academic, housing and signposting advice.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 11am-3pm.

Phone: 0116 223 1132.

Please note: We are not currently offering face-to-face drop-ins or appointments.

Autistic Spectrum Society

Student-run society for students on the Autistic Spectrum.
They aim to support the autistic student community within the university.
Facebook Group:

ELTU (English Language Teaching Unit)

The English Language Teaching Unit provides a wide range of English Language and Study skills course to students who are studying at, or who want to study at the University of Leicester.  It’s a great resource for those who plan to study aboard as well as providing short courses to suit students’ availability. 
Phone: 0116 2297859
Facebook: ELTU
Location: 7th floor, Charles Wilson Building, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH

Leicester Learning Institute (LLI)

The LLI are offering a Blackboard course: Essential Skills for Digital Learning, which is going to be available for all new students (UG, PGT and PGR) from 19th August 2021.

The aim of the course is to help students develop digital learning skills, and introduces the Digital Learning Environment, providing opportunities to try out online tools so they can find their way around their online spaces and feel confident when starting their learning.


Website: Blackboard

Personal Tutor and Departmental Support

Provide advice and support with your studies and on your university life generally and may know more specific information regarding your course.

Student Services Centre

Includes services such as Student Counselling, Student Welfare and Career Development.

To access these services click here for details.

Email  or call 0116 252 2448.

Located in the Percy Gee Building on the 2nd floor

Community Support
ADHD Solutions

An independent initiative set up in Leicester to support children, young people, and adults who have ADHD, their families, and the professionals who are working with them.


Phone: 0116 261 0711

Alzheimer's Society

The UK's leading dementia support and research charity. Including getting information and advice and emotional support and information on local dementia services for people with dementia, their family, friends and carers.


Phone: 0300 222 1122

Disability Rights UK 

Disability Rights UK is a charity which works towards ensuring equality and inclusion for all disabled people in the UK.

Their contact details can be found here:

Leicester Autistic Society (LAS)

Provides support, information, and advice to families and professionals dealing with Autism in Leicestershire, Leicester City and Rutland.
Offers support groups for people dealing with Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome around the City, County, and Rutland.

Phone: 07775 777 524 (Chair, Jenny Cornwell)
Email: (Chair, Jenny Cornwell)

National Autistic Society

A charity which provides information and guidance to support those people living with Autism. 

Phone: 0808 800 4104

The Monday Club (Asperger Syndrome Support)

A social group based in Leicester supporting adults aged 18–65 who have Asperger Syndrome.
Aims to create a supportive environment for members to meet, either in a mainstream setting or in the community, 
with trained staff and volunteers available to offer support where necessary.

Phone: 07873 311 610
Location:Leicestershire Centre for Integrated Living, West End Neighbourhood Centre, Andrewes Street, Leicester LE3 5PA.


A charity that exists to make this country a place where disabled people have the same opportunities as everyone else.

Phone: 0808 800 3333 (9:00am to 5:00pm, weekdays)


University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
Write to Us: Email

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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101