Get in Touch

Advice Service - Contact Us Form

To talk to the Advice Service about your academic, housing and/or signposting needs, please complete this form. It's quick to do, and gives us all of the initial information we need, so we can begin advising you.

The Advice Service is currently working on limited capacity. We endeavour to respond to non-urgent cases within 4 working days.

We apologise for any inconvenience but do thank you for your patience and understanding in the meantime.

First Name                                  


Preferrred Title                          

University Email Address        

Phone Number                          

Student Number                       



Year of Study                             

Level of Study                            

Mode of Study                           

Fee Status                                   



Expected Graduation Date (DD/MM/YYYY) 

How did you hear about us?


What area do you need advice on?               


Do you have a deadline you need to submit information by ? If so please enter it below (DD/MM/YYYY)


Do you give permission for us to share information with other departments, where required?


* please note - to ensure that you receive all the relevant support, this may include the Concerned team at the University, where, within the overview of what you need help/advice on, you send us details that raises potential safeguarding concerns with regard to yours or another's wellbeing *. 

Do you have any additional needs (diagnosed or undiagnosed) that we should be aware of when considerng your support?


Overview of what you need help/advice on, we will discuss the details with you after receiving the form.


Consent & Confidentiality

Before you complete this booking form, which requires you to submit some personal details, we are legally obliged to tell you how we gather this data, what we will use it for and how we will store it. Please read the information regarding this below then check the box to acknowledge that you understand and consent to us using your data in this way. I understand that

  • the SU Advice Service have a legal and legitimate interest to collect and process my personal data in order to provide me with advice and ongoing casework and I consent to this.
  • the SU Advice Service use my personal data to create a case file regarding my query on a secure case management system that only the staff within the SU Advice Service can access. This will allow the advisers to enter notes about my query and the advice I have been provided.
  • my case may be reviewed as part of quality assurance auditing. I also understand that under the Data Processing Legislation, I have the right to access information held about me. I understand that I can do this by submitting a data access request at any time by writing to the Manager at the SU Advice Service, stating exactly what I require.
  • I can access the SU Advice Service Consent and Confidentiality statement on their website and that I can also request a copy of the SU Advice Service policies relating to Confidentiality and File Storage from any advisor.
  • the SU Advice Service will retain my case details for 24 months after the expected graduation date provided and then they will destroy these without referring back to me. 



How is your information stored?

We record all information about you, your case or enquiry on an online professional case recording system that is hosted by a company external to the University and password protected. This means that nobody outside of the Advice Hub can access your file. We record notes we take when you speak with us, any work we do on your behalf, emails sent to and by us, and copies of documents that you may provide to us. This is to ensure that we keep an accurate record of your case that we can use to help inform our advice and support for you on an ongoing basis.

Your information and file will be destroyed 24 months after your expected graduation date. You are entitled to see any information held about you and we can provide you with your case file upon request. 

See our Consent and Confidentiality statement for further details.

Updates to our Code of Practice:

As a result of COVID-19, we have made the following changes to how we handle and protect your information:

  • We will no longer be taking notes on paper, to avoid any issues with safe storage and disposal whilst staff are working from home.  Instead we will be typing all notes.
  • As an Advice Service we have a legitimate interest (Article 6 GDPR) in processing client data, including case details.  As such, consent isn’t required when processing your data as part of your case.  This means that your details, any notes we take, any communication between us and any documents you send us will be uploaded to our confidential casework system, AdvicePro.  The information stored in AdvicePro is only accessible by the Advice team, and is used to keep a record of your case, to ensure we can provide you with efficient and consistent Advice.

Legitimate interest will be our general GDPR stance moving forward, so if you do not want us to record your information please let us know.


The Advice Service is open throughout the year (excluding bank holidays and University closure days).

Our reception is open 11am-3pm, Monday to Friday, but our service opening hours are 10am-4pm, Monday to Friday.




Please see here for online information on Closure Days Support.

Service opening hours:
 Monday 10.00am – 4.00pm

 Tuesday 10.00am – 4.00pm

 Wednesday 10.00am – 4.00pm

 Thursday 10.00am – 4.00pm

 Friday 10.00am – 4.00pm  


 Phone Numbers:

+44 (0)116 223 1132

 Social Media:

Skype: ed_ucation1 




*If your enquiry is about the Peer Mentoring scheme, please get in touch with the Peer Mentoring team.


University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
Write to Us: Email

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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101