English Language Teaching Unit


English Language

Teaching Unit


If you are studying at or about to begin studying at University of Leicester, the team offer a wide range of English Language and Study Skills courses to help you.


Presessional English Language Programme

want to start an undergraduate or postgraduate course at university, but first need to improve their level of English? This course is for you!

The programme gives you the English language and academic skills you need for successful study at a UK university. When you complete with suitable grades, you will then have the English language entry requirements for University of Leicester degree programmes.

For more information, head to the university website by clicking here!

Insessional English Language Programme

Are you already studying at Leicester and would like some support? This course is designed for you.

This course works well alongside your studies and aims to give you support by offering the following:

  • fit in with your degree timetable and deadlines
  • are related to the topics you study on your degree course
  • focus on the language and skills which will help you to be successful in your studies
  • help you develop strategies and resources to learn English outside class
  • offer one-to-one writing consultation sessions.

To find out more, just click here to head to the university website page.

Short Courses

Are you looking for a short programme that includes a mix of academic learning and also a chance to meet students outside of term time? There are a collection of options available to you!

The University of Leicester’s English Language Teaching Unit will be running an exciting collection of International English Programmes. Their three-week programmes combine general and academic English classes with subject specific content, as well as a varied social programme where students will meet and socialise together.

They are experienced in designing and delivering short courses to meet the specific requirements of educational institutions and other organisations from a range of countries

You can find more information including the list of short courses on the university website, just click here 

1-1 Writing Consultations

All non-native speaking Leicester students have access to this free service, which is there to help you with your language,grammer and help with communicating your ideas in English

You can find more information on this service and how to book an appointment on the university website, just click here 


English Language Teaching Unit Contact Details

If you have any questions about the ELTU, don't hesitate to get in touch with them using any of the contact details below.

Phone: +44 (0) 116 229 7859
Website: https://le.ac.uk/cite/eltu
Email: eltu@le.ac.uk

University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
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