A-Z Contact Directory

We've been working on and putting together a contacts directory for you, our students, that you might find helpful. So far, the database covers: 

  • Local MP's 
  • Leicester Council (includes bin days, waste collection etc)
  • Leicester Council Members 
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Furniture and other items collection 
  • Community Organisations 
  • Your Rights 

The idea behind this database/directory, is that it can be regularly reviewed and updated to be kept up to date to ensure that you can be signposted to the different services and groups across Leicester that you may need to contact according to your needs/interests. We hope you find this helpful :) 


We've listed some conatcts below, but for the most up to date info, download the spreadsheet here.


Click titles for links.

Council Tax council.tax@leicester.gov.uk
Bin Collection Days Find out which day the bins get collected in your area
Furniture Collection Collection of unwanted furniture items 
Volunteering Opportunities Meet people and make new friends, take on a new challenge, learn new skills and improve job prospects.



Click titles for links.


Bulky waste collection Collection of unwanted furniture items 
Leicestershire & Rutland Reuse Network 

A group made of 3 charities that will collect clean, usable items to save them going to landfill
Email: donate@leicester-shire-reuse-network.co.uk 
Call: 0330 3550707

Resure Shop  Run by Age Uk Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, the shop sells and accepts unwanted items. collect of items can be arranged 
Email: enquiries@ageukleics.org.uk
Call: 0116 299 233
Loros  Welford road store both sells and accepts furniture. they will also collect unwanted furniture for free 
Call: 0116 2313666
Sue Ryder London road store sells and accepts furniture donations
Email: londonroadleicester5160@sueryder.org
Call: 0116 2554376
Recycle your electricals  A website that works out how/where you can recycle electricals based on your postcode



Click titles for links.


White Rose Recycled Fashion  Sells pre-loved fashion items 
Environmental Volunteer  Make a difference to visitors and wildlife 
Tree Warden Volunteer  Survey existing trees
Horticultural Grounds Maintenance Maintenance work in parks and open spaces
Litter Champion  Litter picking
Community Gardener Gardening for community centres and libraries
Museum Visitor Survey Volunteer  Survey museum visitors and input survey data
Photographic Archive Volunteer  Handling and sorting negatives
Museum Event Volunteer  Help out at events held by Leicester museums and galleries
Musuem Outreach Volunteer Help with the practical aspects of workshops
Girl Guiding Supporting Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and/or Rangers meetings
Sue Ryders

sells preloved fashion items and furniture

Age Rutland Helping older people live more fuffiling lives
Email: Volunteering@ageukleics.org.uk
Call: 0116 299 2256
Citizens Advice Provides free and confidential advice on areas such as housing, employment, consumer issues, family and relationship issues and basic immigration. Can also help with form filling.
Leicester Cathedral  Email: rebecca.hale@leccofe.org
Call: 0116 261 5368

Sells preloved fashion items and furniture. As well as events and community support
Email: info@loros.co.uk
Call: 0116 231 3771

Volunteer Centre for Leicester and Leicestershire (VAL) Website can be used to search for volunteering roles 


Click titles for links.


Dear Albert

Helpline for those struggling from excessive alcohol consumption and drug misuse
Email: hello@dearalbert.co.uk
Call: 07724 284 730

Chaplaincy to the university of Leicester Offers spiritual support to students of all faiths
Email: chaplaincy@le.ac.uk
Call: 0116 285 6493
Citizens advice

Provides free and confidential advice on areas such as housing, employment, consumer issues, family and relationship issues and basic immigration. Can also help with form filling.
Call: 0808 2787970

The Carers Centre

Supports unpaid carers in Leicester and Leicestershire
Email: enquiries@thecarerscentre.org.uk
Call: 0116 251 0999

Leicester LBGT Centre

voluntary organisation that supports LGBT+ people in Leicester
Email: info@leicesterlgbtcentre.org
Call: 0116 254 7412

Friends of Clarendon Park A community group for those who live, work or study in the Clarendon Park area
Email: admin@ClarryPark.org
Leicester Cathedral

Cathedral offering morning and evening services
Email: Cathedral@LeicesterCofE.org
Call: 07399 523 330

Jain Temple A Jainism Temple
Email: info@jaincentreleicester.com
Call: 0116 254 1150
St Nicholas Church An inclusive church
Call: 0116 261 5373
BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Email: info.leicester@uk.baps.org
Call: 0116 262 3791
Leicester Hebrew Congregation

Heritage Centre and synagogue
Email: centremanager@lhcong.com
Call: 01163 191 131

Shree Hindu temple and community Centre

The first HinduTemple to be opend in the UK
Email: info@shreehindutemple.net
Call: 0116 246 4590

Church of the martyr's
An intercultural, all age, vibrant Church of England community
Email: churchadmin@martyrs.org.uk
Call: 0116 255 5921

Live well Leicester
A variety of service to help you become happier, healthier and fitter.
Email: livewell@leicester.gov.uk

Call: 0116 454 4000

The Little Theatre

Runs the Leicester drama society and can be joined for free for the first year
Email: hello@thelittletheatre.co.uk
Call: 0116 255 1302 

Masjid Umar
Local mosque
Email: info@masjid-umar.org
Call: 0116 273 5529

Guru Amar Das Gurdwara
A Sikh Centre
Call: 01162701705

Leicester City of Sanctuary
Supports asylum seekers and refugees within Leicester
Email: contactus@leicester.cityofsanctuary.org


Click titles for links.


Council Tax     

A local tax that helps councils pay for the serives they provide
Email: council.tax@leicester.gov.uk

Senate Regulations  The regulations are part of the formal contract between you and the University.
Minimum Wage  Explains the minimum wage for different people.
Citizens Advice Provides free and confidential advice on areas such as housing, employment, consumer issues, family and relationship issues and basic immigration. Can also help with form filling.
Call: 0808 2787970
Disability Rights UK

Led by, run by and working for disabled people, they work with UK organisations and Government to influence change for better rights, accessibility and more. Their website contains a lot of useful information and resources.
Email: enquiries@disabilityrightsuk.org
Call: 0330 995 0400

Shelter Provides housing advice and support, including comprehensive information related to housing and tenants' rights on their website.
Mind's Legal Line

A helpline ran by Mind that offers legal information and general advice on mental health-related law in England and Wales. They are open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) 
Email: info@mind.org.uk
Call: 0300 123 3393

Free Legal Advice Clinic Provides free legal advice to in a number of areas.
Email: lawadviceclinic@le.ac.uk





University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
Write to Us: Email

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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101