Education Toolkit



Section 1) General FAQ
Section 2) Building Opening Hours
Section 3) Your Course, Policies & Procedures
Section 4) Your Library & Education
Section 5) Your SU & Education
Section 6: Map of Percy Gee Building

General FAQ

Where can I study on campus?


•Library: Study spaces can be found all over the library. Sections will be labeled with noise levels including a silent study space. For more information on room bookings click here.



•SU: You can study in any of our spaces including on the balcony. You can also find dedicated study spaces on the 2nd and 3rd floors.



•Campus: You can study in many places on campus


o Charles Wilson has bookable study spaces on the Mezzanine Floor. You can book these spaces through Book a Study Space


o Freemen’s Common Cottages located next to the Bob Burgess Building has study rooms for groups of 4-12

o Chi located on the ground floor of Charles Wilson has an informed study space Monday-Sunday

o Brookfield Campus has a range of study spaces but don’t forget to bring your ID card.

o Percy Gee has social seating spaces Monday through Friday in Gees, Second Floor social seating, the Opportunities Hub and the SU Square and Balcony.

o Attenborough Building has a study lounge on the first floor and is accessible weekdays until 6 pm.

o Bob Burgess Building has social seating spaces on ground and first floor.


How do I register authorised absence?

o Sometimes you may require a short absence from your studies depending on your circumstances. You should inform the University as soon as possible. For more information, click here.


What are office hours?

o Office hours are scheduled time set aside by academics for their students to come and ask questions. These provide a chance to meet with your professors outside of class. You can discuss the material being taught in your module or you can chat about any interests you have. Every academic should have office hours. Contact your module leader for their contact hours.

I need more support regarding my education, what can I do?

There are many things you can do when you need more support:

o You can reach out to your personal tutor if you need university or academic support. You will have received an email at the beginning of the academic year with the name of your personal tutor. If you are still unsure you can email your school! Find a list of school emails here.


o The Advice Team located on the second floor in the Percy Gee building can offer advice, support and help with topics such as appeals, academic misconduct, course and module issues, and much more. To get in touch, just fill out this form here.

o The library has a Centre for Academic Achievement which offers study support. More information can be found here.


o The library has an IT and Service desk on the ground floor of the David Wilson Library that can help you with any IT issue you may have. For more information click here. Can’t visit the desk in person? You can email or call 0116 252 2253.


What is a personal tutor, and do I have one?

At the beginning of university, you will be assigned a Personal Tutor and depending on your school you will either get a new Personal Tutor each year (which you will be notified about) or you will have the same personal tutor until graduation.

You should have received an email with the name of your personal tutor before the start of university. If you are still unsure you can email your school. Find a list of school emails here.


Where can I find vending and water fountains?

Water fountains can be found on campus:

o Percy Gee Building

o Library

o Attenborough Building

o Charles Wilson

o Bennett Building

o Maurice Shock Building

o Physics Building

o Brookfield Campus

o Sir Bob Burgess

Where can I find power outlets in the SU and Library?

o Power outlets can be found in the floor under a small panel, on the desks in both the library and SU square and on the walls.

Where is my building?

A map of buildings can be found here.


How do I connect to the Wifi?

Follow the instructions on the Setup eduroam WiFi page.


o If this doesn’t work you can call 0116 252 2253, email or visit the IT service desk on the ground floor of the David Wilson library.

o More information can be found on the IT Webpage here.


I have IT issues!

If you have IT issues you can:

o Call 0116 252 2253

o Email

o Visit the IT service desk on the ground floor of the David Wilson Library.

More information can be found on the IT Webpage here.


I lost my student ID card, what do I do?

o There is no need to worry if you lost your student card! You can go to Student Services in the Library. There are no charges related to this.

o In the meantime, tell your lecturers so they can register your attendance. If you need to use the gym speak to their front desk to gain access.

o If you need to use the library, speak to a librarian about temporary access – there are machines at the entrance where you can print a temporary access pass. You cannot check books out with these passes.

How do I get help with things such as Career Development?


•The Careers Development Service is offered by the university to help you gain skills needed outside the classroom and help point you in the right direction.



•The Careers Development Service offers things such as:


o 1-2-1 appointments on things such as mock interviews, career and application coaching and much more.

o Applications and CV’s

o Interviews and Assessments


•MyCareers, is an additional service provided by the Careers service giving you 24-hour access to hundreds of internships and graduate vacancies, career appointments and event bookings during your time at university and after graduation. Visit the MyCareers page here.


•The Careers Development Service can be found on the second floor of the SU or can be contacted online by emailing


•For more information on the Careers Development Service visit the webpage here.
I have a suggestion or a further question

o If you have any suggestions for the Toolkit, please email

o If you have a question about your course, please email your department.

o If you have any questions about policies, you can contact your department, personal tutor, or the Advice Team.

o If you have any complaints or suggestions about your education you can speak to your course representative, email, the Advice Team, or your department specifically.

Building Opening Hours

(Subject to Change)

Building hours: o	Percy Gee Building o	Monday – Friday ?	8am - 6pm o	Saturday ?	10 am – 4pm o	Sunday ?	Closed o	Leicester Students’ Union o	Monday – Friday ?	9am – 10pm o	Saturday and Sunday ?	10am – 10pm o	Henry Wellcome Building o	Monday – Friday ?	8am – 6pm o	Saturday and Sunday ?	Closed o	Attenborough Arts Center o	Monday – Friday ?	9am - 9pm o	Saturday and Sunday ?	10am – 5pm o	Maurice Shock Building o	Monday – Friday ?	8am – 6pm o	Saturday and Sunday ?	Closed o	Charles Wilson  o	Monday – Friday ?	9am – 6pm o	Saturday and Sunday ?	Closed o	5th Floor IT Lab o	Open after 5pm with card access o	Adrian Building o	Monday – Friday ?	9am – 5pm o	Saturday and Sunday ?	Closed o	Bennett Building o	Monday – Friday ?	8am – 10pm o	Saturday and Sunday ?	Closed o	Physics and Astronomy Building o	Monday – Friday ?	8am – 6pm o	Saturday and Sunday ?	Closed o	Archaeology and Ancient History o	Monday – Friday ?	9am – 5pm o	Saturday and Sunday ?	Closed o	Attenborough Building o	Monday – Friday ?	9am – 6pm o	Saturday and Sunday ?	Closed o	Engineering Building o	Monday – Friday ?	9am – 5pm o	Saturday and Sunday ?	Closed o	David Wilson Library o	Monday – Friday ?	8am – 12am o	Saturday and Sunday ?	9am – 5pm o	Astley Clarke o	Monday – Friday ?	9am – 5pm o	Saturday and Sunday ?	Closed o	Fielding Johnson Building o	Monday – Friday ?	9am – 5pm o	Saturday and Sunday ?	Closed o	Informatics o	Monday – Friday ?	9am – 5pm o	Saturday and Sunday ?	Closed o	Ken Edwards o	Monday – Friday ?	9am – 5pm o	Saturday and Sunday ?	Closed

Your Course, Policies & Procedures

What are Mitigating Circumstances?

The university describes mitigating circumstances as when “a recognizably serious or significant even beyond your control has affected your health or personal life and as a result you are, or have been, unable to submit or attend an assessment on time”.

Mitigating Circumstances could be extra time to submit an assignment, or a delayed and uncapped exam during the resit period.

Mit Circs must be submitted before the assignment, rather than after. If you think you should have submitted a Mit Circ but didn’t, please check the Appeals policy.

You can apply for Mitigating Circumstances by visiting MyStudentRecord, clicking on the ‘Requests’ tab. The link for MyStudentRecord can be found here.


For the 22/23 academic year evidence will be reintroduced, however there is a list of additional circumstances where evidence is not needed.

Self-certification will be implemented to allow students to ‘self-certify’ and not provide evidence for certain assignments and scenarios.

Further details on how to apply, timescales and evidence requirements can be found here.


What are types of evidence for Mitigating Circumstances?

Types of evidence can include but are not limited to:

o Medical certificate

o Supporting statement from student services

o Report from a qualified professional

o Documents from a court/solicitor

The Students’ Union, Advice Team will be able to guide you through the process of applying for mitigating circumstances and offer additional support. To get in touch, just fill out this form here.

You should check with your department to understand the specific evidence requirements. For more information and types of evidence please visit the university webpage here.


Mitigating Circumstances and Sport/Societies

The new policy highlights that you will not be penalized for lectures missed due to a match or an event. You must let your lecturer know 48 hours in advance.

This does not include students studying in Medicine or Allied Health.

How will my exams run next year?

Exams will be a mixture of in person and online. You will have received an email at the start of the academic year letting you know if your exams are in person. If you are unsure, email your department!


The university has lots of policies in place to help structure your education These policies explain rules and regulations such as academic quality and standards, admissions, codes of practice, fees and funding, insurance and much more. University academic based policies can be found here.


I want to change course?

You will need to visit/speak with a staff member of the school/department you would like to transfer too, in addition to talking with your current school/department.


I want to change modules?

You can change module through your School provided it is the first couple of weeks of the semester. Speak to your School to find out more information

I am unhappy with my result - what do I do?

If you are confused or unhappy about your result, you should reach out to your personal tutor, your module leader or our Advice Team for guidance.

How do I make an appeal?

If you are dissatisfied with an aspect of your course or an academic decision such as your marks, you may be able to make an appeal.

o Visit the university webpage here which outlines the appeals and complaints process.


Your Library & Education

How do I borrow, return or reserve books?

o There is self-service equipment on the ground floor of the David Wilson library which can issue and return your books.

o If you would like to reserve a book you can by placing a request here.


o University students may borrow up to 40 items for a minimum of 7 days with the possibility of extension if the items are not held or recalled. There are some exceptions to this.

o Find out more information on borrowing books here.


How do I borrow laptops?

Laptops can be used by all current students at the University and are found in the library. There are two types of laptop rentals:

Campus loan laptops

o These laptops can be used on the University of Leicester campus but will not work outside that area. They can be borrowed for 8 hours or until 30 minutes before the library closes.

Flexible Loan Laptops

o These laptops are for use on and off campus and can be borrowed for up to a month depending on availability.

To request a laptop loan email

o You will need your university ID card and the Collection ID provided.

For more information visit the library website here.


How do I book a study space?

You can book group and individual study spaces here. You do not need to book a space for communal seating areas.


What is the Centre for Academic Achievement?

The library offers different services such as:

o Math and Statistics which helps work through maths and statistics related content.

o An Academic Adviser which can help with improving your ability to manage your studies, researching and writing assignments, preparing for exams and make sense of the feedback you receive.

o A Librarian who can help with finding information, subject databases, referencing, literature searching and biographic software.

o The form to book a one-to-one consultation can be found here.


o The library also has online Academic Skills guide which you can access here.


o For more information, please visit the library website here.



How can I find out more?

If you have a further question or want support, you can email both or


Your SU & Education

What is an Executive Officer Team (also known as Sabbs?)

Your Executive Team are 6 elected student representatives that work to elevate student concerns and voice to improve life on and off campus.

There are six officers:

o Wellbeing Officer (


o Activities Officer (


o Sports Officer (


o Liberation Officer (


o President (


o Education Officer (


For Academic or concerns related to your education please email


What can I use the SU for in terms of my education?

We have loads of resources you can use!


•Academic Reps: you will have a course rep and a department rep that raise course issues to our Executive Officer Team and University staff. You can tell your course rep your concerns or comments about your modules, lecturer, assessments, class concerns, etc.


o Examples of topics raised:

• 24/7 Library

• Food in Bob Burgess Building

• Lack of lecture content

• Concerns over exams


•Our Voice Team: Our Voice Team aims to help elevate your creative ideas to improve our campus and the student experience. The Voice Team can also help in terms of trainings and skill building workshops.

o Examples of ideas raised:

• Drink Stoppers

• 24/7 Library

• Free Period Products

To get in contact with our Voice Team stop by our office on the balcony in the SU Square or email


•Education Officer: Your Education Officer is here to represent the student voice at university meetings, ensure policies coming in are in the students’ best interest, monitoring the quality of your education, solving course issues and so much more.


You can contact your Education Officer with course concerns, opinions on your education, or any issues you may have in relation to your education. Worst case, they can point you in the right direction!

o Examples of things the Education Officer does:

• Reviews the Mitigating Circumstances Policy

• Introduced Content Warnings in lectures from student concerns

• Raised concerns about Library hours and laptop availability.

You can contact your Education Officer by emailing You can also stop by the SU Office on the balcony of the SU Square but we cannot guarantee the officer will be in or free.


Academic Societies

We have many academic societies you can join to socialize with peers on your course. More information about Academic Societies, how to join and how to start a society can be found here.


Mature Students

The university defines students over 21 as mature students.

You are encouraged to join the Mature Students Society which aims to represent the mature student body, provide events and facilities tailored for mature students, and hosts talks and events with some being family friendly.

Mature Students also have their own Part-Time Officer (PTO) to raise issues and address course concerns for mature and part-time students.

o You can learn more about the Mature Students Society here.

o You can join the Mature Students Facebook page here.


Post-Graduate Students

Postgraduate students (whether taught or research) are welcome to use all of the same services as undergraduate students.

The SU has a Postgraduate Research Society which postgraduate students are encouraged to join.

The SU also has a Postgraduate Part-Time Officer to raise issues and address course concerns for postgraduate students.


Distance Learning Students

Distance Learning Academic Reps are elected by your School, you can find a list on their website.

The SU also has a Distance Learning Part-Time Officer to raise issues and address course concerns for Distance Learning Students.


General Enquiries?

Don't feel like any of these options suit your question? You can email for general inquiries, for your Officer Team or stop into the office on the balcony of the SU Square.


The Percy Gee Building


University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
Write to Us: Email

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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101