Housemate Finder

Don’t panic if you haven’t found a housemate. You can join our online Housemate Finder here!

The first stage of finding a house is often deciding who you would like to live with, your housemates can make or break your housing experience so it’s important to consider many aspects while making this decision.

Even if you currently live together, people and their priorities change, especially throughout University. Make sure to have an honest discussion with any potential housemates. It would be worth considering:

  • Rent – how much are you willing to spend? It’s important to agree on an upper and lower limit that is manageable for you. 
  • TV license – are you interested in buying a TV license? Would you want to split the cost?
  • Cleaning – would you prefer to set a rota or take a more laidback approach?
  • Cooking – would you like to cook meals and split food?
  • Socialising – do you generally prefer your own company or others?
  • Shopping - will you organise online shopping deliveries and split the cost? Would you prefer to arrange this yourself?
  • Are you planning to spend a semester abroad or in industry? How will this impact bills and rent? 
  • Appliances – will you split the cost for appliances like toasters, microwaves etc.?
  • Guests/Partners - how often are you expecting your significant other to visit? 

Small things can cause big tensions so it’s important to have a general chat to get to know each other's housing habits.  


 In the meantime, contact us with any housing queries you may have and we’ll provide you with direct advice.

University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
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