Out of Hours Support

Out-of-hours support

Students who experience a crisis outside normal working hours can contact the University for support through the University Security 24/7 contact number 0116 252 2888.

The Residence Life Team for Oadby and City halls is also available 24/7 at 0116 252 2428.

UK Emergency number (Police, Fire & Ambulance): 999

Emergency number (Police, Fire & Ambulance): 112

Feeling unwell now
  • For immediate, life-threatening emergencies, call 999.
  • If you need medical help fast but it’s not immediately life-threatening, call 111.
  • Accident and Emergency Services (A&E) at Leicester Royal Infirmary
    1. Open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
    2. When you go to the Emergency Department, a doctor or nurse practitioner will assess your condition and decide what action to take.
    3. If appropriate following assessment you may be redirected to a general practitioner (situated within the Leicester Royal Infirmary with whom you will have an appointment time) who will manage your care.
    4. Suitable for people with life threatening injuries, chest pain, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, fractures.
    5. Location: Leicester Royal Infirmary, Infirmary Square , Leicester, Leicestershire, LE1 5WW
On-campus security emergency
  • Call Security Services’ 24 hour emergency line: 0116 252 2888 .
  • If an ambulance is needed, ring 999 first and then call Security Services.
  • If you need the police or fire service, call 999.
Accommodation emergencies
  • If you’re in halls (either Oadby or City), call the Residence Life Team 0116 252 2428.
Mental Health Crisis

If you are worried about your mental health and safety and feel at risk of harming yourself you can ring your own GP or in an emergency:

  • Ring or Visit LRI Urgent Care - 0845 045 0411

  • Go to Accident and Emergency at Leicester Royal Infirmary

  • If you are in immediate danger ring 999

  • If you are in need of urgent NHS Mental Health Support you can call the 24-hour Central Access Point on 0116 295 3060. This is an NHS service rather like 111 but for mental health issues.

  • 0116 252 2888 University Security Services
  • Available 24/7. Should be contacted if there is an emergency.

  • 0808 800 3302 Mental Health Crisis Outreach
  • 24/7 support for people experiencing a mental health or emotional crisis requiring immediate help.

  • 116 123 The Samaritans
  • 24/7 support by phone, face-to-face, email and letter.
    Drop in at 1a Elmfield Avenue, Leicester LE2 1RB or email: jo@samaritans.org.

Sexual Assault - Who to call if you are attacked

These services can help you straight away:

  • 101 or 999 Leicestershire Police
    • You can also talk to the police in person at a police station .
    • Don't want to phone or walk in? Report it on-line instead.
    • If the incident occurred recently, you can call 999 to help the police deal with it urgently.
  • 0808 802 9999 Rape Crisis England and Wales
    • Available between 12 noon to 2:00pm and 7pm to 9:30 pm every day of the year.
    • Offer services by women for women and girls.
  • 0808 800 5005 National Male Helpline and Online Support
    • Available Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10:00am to 4:00pm, Tuesday and Thursday 8:00am to 8:00pm and Saturday 10:00am to 12 noon.
    • Available to males.
    • Provide free emotional support, information and signposting.
  • 0116 273 3330 Juniper Lodge (Sexual Assault Referral Centre)
    • Available Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10:00am to 4:00pm, Tuesday and Thursday 8:00am to 8:00pm and Saturday 10:00am to 12 noon.
    • Provide telephone and face-to-face support for men and women aged 13+.
    • Information about reporting to the police.
    • Access to support and counselling services.
    • Forensic medical facilities.
    • Support throughout the reporting process.
    • Practical support and referrals to other agencies.
  • 0116 255 8852 Leicester Rape Crisis – Jasmine House
    • Provide free and confidential telephone and face-to-face counselling and support to female survivors aged 13+.
    • One-to-one opportunity to talk things through and find practical ways of looking after yourself.
    • Help with identifying coping strategies to deal with difficult emotions.
Other assault
  • 0116 252 2888 Security Services.


    • Available 24/7. Should be contacted if there is an emergency.

  • 101 or 999 Leicestershire Police
    • You can also talk to the police in person at a police station .
    • Don't want to phone or walk in? Report it on-line instead.
    • If the incident occurred recently, you can call 999 to help the police deal with it urgently.

Reporting incidents

We take harassment, discrimination and bullying very seriously and are here to provide sensitive and confidential support and advice to you if you do experience, witness or have been informed of any forms of this.

Reporting and getting support for an incident

Do you require urgent assistance?

  1. If you have been physically assaulted, attacked or need urgent assistance please contact the emergency services on 999.
  2. If you are on campus or halls of residences: call security on +44 (0)116 252 2888 (emergency) or +44 (0)116 252 2023 (non-emergency)
  3. To report a crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response please call 101.

Reporting routes within the University

University Report & Support platform

You can report and get support for yourself or on behalf of someone else, here at our University.
Please be reassured that all services will treat your report sensitively and confidentially, your academic department will not necessarily find out unless you've requested they do so or there is a safeguarding issue.

Additional recommended support services

The following services can provide you further support whether you have had a personal experience, witnessed an incident or want to provide details of support services to another person.

The contact details for these services are detailed on the A – Z of Support Services page.

Some of the main campus services and clinics to get support and signposting advice are:

If you’d like some support accessing these services, please get in touch with the Advice Service.

Visit our online support services directory to identify additional and complimentary help and support available to you.

  • Advice Service – Will provide you with advice on which services and processes can support you and will provide guidance through these.
  • Student Welfare Service - Provide advice on Bullying and Harassment as well as financial issues, leaving care, childcare and benefits.
Zero Tolerance

The Students Union holds a zero tolerance approach towards any incidents of harassment which includes but is not limited to:

·         Antisemitism ·         Physical harassment and assault
·         Bullying ·         Racism
·         Disability discrimination ·         Religious discrimination
·         Domestic violence and coercion ·         Sexual harassment and assault
·         Homophobia ·         Transphobia
·         Islamophobia   


University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
Write to Us: Email

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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101