Professional Opportunities



There are lots of volunteering opportunities with charities both here on campus and in and around Leicestershire. Whether you do it through one of our charity student groups, RAG or with a local organisation, volunteering is a brilliant skill to have on your CV.

Visit this page for more information:

You can log your volunteering hours and work towards awards, your HEAR record or the Leicester Award!

Or email:  - Volunteering coordinator in Activities is Elina Garton


Peer Mentoring:


Once you have been a first year at University you have the chance to apply to be a Peer Mentor. In this role you will be matched up with incoming first years where you will attend introduction events for your department and work in an email system giving the first years tips and guidance on how to have a better time during your first year of University.

On top of this, this scheme offers mentors various training courses for free, both face-to-face and online in which they can build more skills for their CV.


SU Training:


The SU is offering more and more training workshops each year that will help students with character skills and building their CV.

For the full booklet of what is on offer, please visit:


Course Reps:


This is a democratically elected position, and one well worth bearing in mind when going into a new year for your course. Each course will have a course rep for each year group, and they will sit on a board made up of staff, students and administration teams for each department and will discuss the successes and issues for the course that month and be a voice representation for their peers to take points of discussion forward.

It is also a good opportunity to learn more about Student Voice and the level of importance campaigns can have on a student’s experience at University.

University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
Write to Us: Email

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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101