What is Academic Representation?
Academic Reps are students who represent you in meetings with University staff. They collect feedback from the students they represent, take this to meetings, and work with staff to make change. They either volunteer or apply for paid positions.
Become a Rep
I'm a RepI'm Staff
Who is my Rep?
Academic Representation Structure
UG and PGT (Undergraduate and Post-Graduate Taught)
PGR (Post-Graduate Research)
Find out more!
Celebrating our Academic Reps
Academic Rep of the Month
Click on the images to find out what they've been up to!
March Rep of the Month
February Rep of the Month
January Rep of the Month
Rep of the Month
Rep of the Month
October Rep of the Month
Our Reps of the Month have done loads of impactful and exciting things - we'd like to thank them for all their hard work and dedication! If you know of an Academic Rep who deserves recongition for what they've been up to, please nominate them now!
Nominate your Rep of the Month!
2023/2024 Impact Report
We have put together an Academic Representation Impact report that highlights the wide range of successes and projects that your reps were working on last year. It includes details of the amazing work that your Course, School, College and Education Officer have been focussed on in the past year.
You can find the 23/24 Voice Impact Report here.
Think you have what it takes?
Become a Rep