Who are we?
Initiated by students at the University of Leicester. We are a group of activists and survivors working alongside the students' union and university welfare department to create a fully inclusive, safe and supportive environment where sexual violence and harassment is not tolerated, and sexual trauma survivors feel empowered to report, seek support and speak out about their experience if they wish to do so.
Sexual violence and harassment can happen to, or be committed by, anyone regardless of gender, race, religion, disability or sexual orientation. We aim to increase awareness of this, the post-trauma effects of different lived experiences, and how you can support a survivor should they choose to disclose this to you.
As a group we aim to educate the student body and university powers and make real changes to improve current support services, reporting procedures and disciplinary policies. We hope to increase transparency so that individuals can make fully informed decisions regarding the consequence of the actions or inaction available to them as a survivor, bystander or perpetrator.
Our message is not to reduce the risk through unhelpful victim blaming – it is that sexual violence and harassment will not be tolerated at the University of Leicester, and that our students and staff will not enable or contribute to a culture that facilitates it.
#MeTooOnCampus is a political movement in its own right and is therefore not affiliated with any specific parties.
If you want to get involved, sign-up for #MeTooOnCampus via the link here!