Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Executive Elections?

The Executive Elections are where you get to choose who you want to represent your community in the next academic year through voting on the Students’ Union website.

This includes voting to elect the three Executive and twelve Part-Time Officers. These officers are elected to represent students and lobby the university to make impactful change, so they can have a significant influence over your student experience!

There are many benefits to standing and being an elected officer. Each person running in the elections will have different priorities and aims, so if you would like to see a particular change happen, make sure that you check each candidate's manifesto.                                                                                                  


What roles can you stand for?

There are 15 paid positions for this election, which can be found below. Part-Time Officers are part-time, paid roles where you can work up to 7 hours a week for up to 35 weeks on projects and campaigns.

Executive Officers are full-time, paid roles with a salary of £24,450. You would work 37 hours a week from June 2025 to June 2026 to represent the Students' Union.

You can stand for any role, provided that you meet the eligibility criteria:

  • Part-time Officer candidates must:
    • Apply using the correct application form and answer the shortlisting questions
    • Self-identify as part of the community that you would like to represent (e.g. International Officer must be a international student)- make sure you tick the self-identification boxes as you apply on the Elections webpage.
    • Be shortlisted by a panel in order to run in the elections.
  • Executive Officer candidates must:
    • Fulfill the requirements to be a trustee outlined in the Trustee Declaration Form
    • Have been a registered student for at least three months at the close of nomination
    • Self-declare that you do not have any unspent convictions
    • Have not been found guilty of the University or Students' Union complaints and disciplinary procedures in the past 12 months.

The available roles are:

Executive Officers

  • President
  • Education Officer
  • Communities Officer.

Part-Time Officers

  • Arts Officer
  • Accessibility Officer
  • Distance Learning Officer
  • Ethnic Equity Officer
  • International Officer
  • LGBT+ Officer
  • PGR Officer
  • Societies Officer
  • Sports Officer
  • Sustainability Officer
  • Trans and Non-Binary Officer
  • Women's Officer.

University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101