Scrutiny Committee

Scrutiny Committee Representatives are seen as crucial to the operation of the Union and the role is designed to allow you to continue with your studies whilst carrying out your role. You will work as a team to:- 
  • Oversee the operation of the democratic structures ensuring that they are as open and accessible to students as possible.
  • Responsible for all Union elections/referendums
  • Interpreting the Union Bye Laws.
  • Co-ordinate the investigation into complaints/disciplinary matters with regard to elected officers
  • Working with the Executive and Part Time Officers to ensure that they are
    • Fulfilling their manifesto pledges
    • Achieving policy of the students’ union that has been assigned to them
    • Attendance at appropriate meetings and that their time is being well spent in these.
    • Identifying areas where they are going above and beyond their role
    • Encourage them to consider different perspectives.

How do I become a Scrutiny Committee Representative?

Nominations for Scrutiny Committee Representatives for the 2023-4 academic year are now closed. If you have any queries regarding the role then email


Scrutiny Reports

Reports are graded as a pass or fail. This is determined by Scrutiny's satisfaction with the answers to the questions they sent to Officers after reviewing their reports. Below you will find each Officer's report and a link to view their videos where they answered Scrutiny's questions. The number of questions and comments will vary by Officer depending on their report. If you have any queries or want to chat about scrutiny, email

To read previous Scrutiny reports, click here.


Executive Officer reports




  • Pending




Part-Time Officer reports

Accessibility Officer

Ethnic Equity Officer

LGBT+ Officer

Trans and Non-Binary Officer

Postgraduate Officer

Sustainability Officer

Mature and Part-Time Officer

How does scrutiny work?

Scrutiny committee goes through a few steps to ensure not only the committee, but students, get a good report of what Officers have done so far in the term. Steps include:

  1. Officers submit written reports to Scrutiny Committee who then reviews them and then comes up with questions based on it.

  2. Officers then record their answer publicly so Scrutiny can understand the work further. Students can view these too and interact such as leaving comments.

  3. Scrutiny Committee then gives each Officer a rating of either pass or fail based on their reports but also on each question they answered. An Officer will pass if the majority of the Scrutiny Committee vote to pass the Officer. Final reports can be found on this page each term so you can see how each Officer did!

University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
Write to Us: Email

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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101