Meet The Team



We are your Voice Department team - the SU staff who are in your corner, ready to provide support and advice on all things Voice and Representation related.

Ian Bruce (he/him)

Support and Representation Manager

What is your job?

  • To oversee the operation of the Support and Representation Teams. Within Voice, this includes: Academic Representation, Elections, Student Council, Scrutiny Committee and Networks
  • To enable and empower student leaders including Part Time Officers, Student Union Reps, Course Reps and Executive Officers to be effective representatives.
  • To oversee the organisation and support available for events such as Student Voice Awards and Student Leaders conference.


Emma Reed (she/her) and Anya Sier (she/her)  

Academic Representation Coordinators

What is your job?

  • To manage and develop the Academic Representation System
  • Provide support to course and school reps throughout the year, giving them the tools to make positive and impactful change
  • Monitor any matters raised, and help reps to hold their department/school accountable.
  • Run the Superstar Awards, the annual awards where students can nominate staff members who have positively impacted their time at university. You can contact us about this at
  • Contact us about: your academic representatives (including if you want to be one), or if you have any non-personal academic issues that your department has not resolved.
  • If you want to get in touch about any of this, email

Ameila Jones (she/her)

Campaigns and Democracy Coordinator

What is your job?

  • Work with Elected Officers and students to deliver campaigns and projects at the Students' Union.
  • Support the SU's democratic processes like the Idea's systemStudent Council, and Scrutiny.
  • Create and deliver training associated with the role such as community organising, Elections training, and running campaigns.
  • Support student representatives to hold the Officers, SU, and University to account.
  • If you'd like access to any of the above training opportunities, or just to chat about anything related to my role, email:

University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
Write to Us: Email

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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101