Vote and submit ideas!

The Ideas System is simple way for students to submit ideas and vote on ideas from other students. If it's something simple, we will look into it straight away and see if it can be acheived. If it needs more resource and student support, it needs 20 positive votes to go to Student Council. Here it can be voted on as policy and change can be campaigned for! Click here for more information and previous ideas.

To rate an idea that has already been submitted, simply select thumbs up or thumbs down to indicate whether you like the idea or not. That's how simple our system is! You can also add comments to ideas and start a discussion with your fellow students.

If you have any queries regarding the ideas system, please email

Please note: Once an idea is submitted, it has 2 weeks to reach the 20 positive votes needed. Ideas will automatically go down after 6 months.


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  • 45 score
    51 voters

    Nap and relaxation rooms


      Introducing nap and relaxation rooms with facilities like recliners or chaise lounge chairs and reading or arts/crafts corner where students could take a nap or relax peacefully during their free times to recharge  themselves. It should be a minimum sound zone.

    No comments have been made.

    University of Leicester Students' Union
    Percy Gee Building
    University of Leicester
    University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
    Write to Us: Email

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    The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101