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  • 9 score
    9 voters

    Reduce light pollution from the University’s buildings


      Review the lighting on the University’s buildings and make the following changes to lighting following the five principles for responsible outdoor lighting to reduce the University’s light pollution footprint:

      1. Useful

      All light should have a clear purpose

      Before installing or replacing a light, determine whether light is needed. Consider how the use of light will impact the area, including wildlife and the environment. Consider using reflective paints or self-luminous markers for signs, curbs, and steps to reduce the need for permanently installed outdoor lighting.


      2. Targeted

      Light should be directed only to where it’s needed

      Use shielding and careful aiming to target the direction of the light beam so that it points downward and does not spill beyond where it is needed.


      3. Low level

      Illumination should be no higher than necessary

      Use the lowest light level required. Be mindful of surface conditions, as some surfaces may reflect more light into the night sky than was intended.


      4. Controlled

      Light should be used only when it is useful

      Use controls such as timers or motion detectors to ensure that light is available when it is needed, dimmed when possible, and turned off when not needed.


      5. Warm-colored

      Use warmer-color lights where possible

      Limit the amount of shorter wavelength (blue-violet) light to the least amount needed. Light where you need it, when you need it, in the amount needed, and no more.


       Making these changes will result in the following benefits, helping the University make progress towards the sustainable development goals:

      •Reduced energy usage due to better designed lighting

      •Increased safety on campus due to reduced glare from lighting and reduced contrast between lit and unlit areas.

      •More nature on campus as artificial lighting has negative impacts on wildlife and human health.

      •Improved observing conditions for astronomy, especially for students using the Oadby Observatory.

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