Voice Opportunities

On this page, you will find links to all the opportunities we have available in SU Voice and how to get in touch with your representatives. Click on the relevant link to find out more or email su-voice@leicester.ac.uk to discuss them more.

Executive and Part-time Officers (PTOs)

Each year, you elect your Executive Officers and Part-Ttime Officers in the Executive Elections in term 2 to represent students by running campaigns relevant to students. This could be to make extenuating circumstances easier, improving services like the library, running events, creating new training for staff on how to better support their students, or even running campaigns nationally with other officers across the SU.

Nominations for the 15 available roles are now open. You can formally nominate yourself at www.leicesterunion.com/elections. If you have any queries regarding the elections, email us at su-elections@leicester.ac.uk.

To find out and/or get in touch with your Officers, click here. To find out more information, click here.


Academic Reps

Representation exists at every level of the university structure. We have Course Reps who are there to give feedback around day-to-day programme and course matters, School Reps who work on wider projects across their schools, College Reps who work on University and college-wide projects as well as attend the highest level of university committees. But representation isn't just for undergraduate and post graduate taught students, we also have PGR Reps and PGR College Reps who make sure that the voice of post graduate researchers is heard by their Schools and Colleges. Keep an eye on these pages from the beginning of March 2025  as this is when School and/or College Rep applications will open for the 2025/26 academic year.

Click here to find out more about the Academic Rep system

Or email us at su-repteam@le.ac.uk if you have any questions.


Favourite Colour

This election is to decide on which is the best colour

3 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed.



University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101