Superstar Awards

The Superstar Awards are now a part of the SU Awards, and you can find more information, including now to nominate, and the nomination form, on our Awards page here. Nominations for Awards 2025 close on 31st March.  

Have you got a tutor who is going above and beyond to support you in your learning? Admin staff who are doing amazingly considering the number of emails they’re getting? Has a Postgraduate Research Student been supporting you in your studies? If so then why not consider nominating them for a Superstar Award.

All nominees will receive a copy of the nominating text, and winners will recieve a certificate of recognition.

Any staff member who works with UoL students is eligable, whether they're an academic, work for the University in a supporting role, or even work for UHL.

What are the Superstar Awards?

The Superstar Awards are run by the SU's Student Voice Team to celebrate exceptional staff members at the University. They are a part of the SU Awards.

These awards exist to recognise members of staff who have gone above and beyond in their role, or who have made a significant contribution to a student, department or school. They provide a unique opportunity for students to highlight excellence in teaching or student support, and offer exceptional staff members the chance to receive recognition for their efforts.

If you have a tutor who has inspired you, a staff member who has supported you through a difficult time at university or a lecturer who has made a big impact on your studies, say thank you by nominating them for a Superstar Award!

There are eight categories you can nominate a staff member for:

  • Best Lecturer
  • Best Personal Tutor
  • Best Supervisor
  • PGR Teaching Excellence (this Award is for PGRs who undertake teaching during their studies)
  • Best Supporting Staff (this includes Student Support Services, Security, Estates and Catering Staff)
  • Best Academic Support Staff
  • Best Implementer of Feedback
  • Most Inclusive Practice

Last Year's Winners

Category Winner

Best Academic Supporting Staff

Hannah Richardson
Best Implementer of Student Feedback Michael Barkley
Best Lecturer Jason Johnstone
Best Personal Tutor Emma Staniland
Best Supervisor Jason Hughes
Best Supporting Staff Zyggy Banks
Most Inclusive Practice Jenn Hobbs
PGR Teaching Excellence Kai Francis

2023 Winners

Category Winner

Best Academic Supporting Staff

Russell Knifton
Best Implementer of Student Feedback Sarah Gretton
Best Lecturer Kevin Patterson
Best Personal Tutor Hannah Ryder
Best Supervisor Claire Brock
Best Supporting Staff Helena Gorse
Most Inclusive Practice Carlo De Lillo

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Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
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