Student Group Councils


Enthusiastic about Societies at Leicester?
Get involved and make an impact!


In 24/25 there will be 4 student-led councils, chaired by one of the executive officers. The main aim of the councils is to give a platform for the opinions and ideas of members of varying student groups. They meet weekly/by-weekly to discuss and make decisions on important topics relating to student groups and activities within the Students’ Union. 

The councils are made up of students who apply and get interviewed to be part of their chosen council within a specific role. Applications for the 24/25 councils are not yet open.


Societies Council

What is Societies Council?

Societies Council is chaired by the sports and societies officer and works to ensure the voices and opinions of all areas of student groups at Leicester are equally considered in the implementation of decisions and changes. You do not need to be a committee member to be part of Societies Council – you just need to be enthusiastic about Societies at Leicester!

In 24/25 the council will be broken down into 11 roles and individual responsibilities. More information on the different roles and the requirements of the council will be coming soon. 


Sports Council

Sports Council aims to give students across all facets of club sport a greater voice here. The idea of this council is to formalise student discussions, build a sports-focused discussion group within the SU and Sport and Active Life, discuss ideas and give students a greater voice among senior staff. The future success of sports here at Leicester lies completely within the student’s voices. It is extremely important students are included in the process of navigating the forthcoming season as we build on creating an exceptional sporting offer.

In 24/25 the council will be broken down into 8 roles and individual responsibilities. More information on the different roles and the requirements of the council will be coming soon. 


Creative Council

Creative Council was formed to support the empowerment of the arts here at Leicester, creating a platform for creatives and performers within student groups to get involved with decision making and changes within the Students' Union. It is built up of members from performance, creative, music and innovative societies and will work on awareness events, campaigns and projects throughout the year alongside the sports and societies officer. 

In 24/25 the council will be broken down into 7 roles and individual responsibilities. More information on the different roles and the requirements of the council will be coming soon. 


Sustainability Council

Sustainability Council (formerly known as Green Bubble) is our main Student Sustainability Forum, where we feed back on what we can do to help with issues like health and wellbeing, energy, travel, reducing waste and Activism at the University, in the Students' Union and beyond. 
It is formed of student volunteers from across the student body, so you do not need to be a member of a student group to apply for the sustaianbility council. 
In 24/25 the council will be broken down into 5 roles and individual responsibilities. More information on the different roles and the requirements of the council will be coming soon. 

Dates for your Diary:

Applications Open: 29th July 2024 @ 10am

Applications Close: 15th August 2024 @4pm

Interviews: TBC

Results of Interview: TBC

University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101